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Getting Started
A quick and high-level guide to the basics of Uncountable, including navigation, search/filtering, editing experiments, and visualization tools in the platform.
Platform Updates
Highlights the latest features, changes, and deprecations to the Uncountable platform. Stay informed about updates designed to improve functionality, simplify processes, and enhance usability.
Advanced Tools
Covers advanced functions and features in Uncountable. These tools enable advanced data analysis, efficient experiment management, and enhanced design capabilities.
Uncountable Glossary
A list of the commonly used terms or items within the platform, including experiments, project notebooks, inputs/outputs, specs/constraints, and many others.
Platform Structure
This section describes the overall organization of experiments, projects, and material families in Uncountable. Also included in this section is a discussion of permissions and access rights in Uncountable.
Project Info & Dashboard
This section covers the layout of the project dashboard, along with what information can be contained about a project. Articles in this section also detail basic search and filtering tools within the platform.
Experimental Info - Recipes
For all information relevant to the creation of new experiments, and the editing of formulas and process parameters.
Experimental Info - Measurements
This section covers all detailed information on adding in measurement data and results to the platform. This includes sorting and organizing outputs, output calculations, condition parameters, and unit conversions.
Creating New Objects/Fields
This section details the way to create new objects in the platform, including ingredients, process parameters, measurements, calculations, groups, categories, and others.
Visualization & Analysis
This portion covers all of the visualization tools within the Uncountable platform, including scatter charts, bar charts, line plots, curve and image comparisons.
Lab Management
Uncountable's platform can help labs manage work requests, inventory, and equipment maintenance schedules to keep the lab running smoothly.
ELN & Reports
Reports in Uncountable act as a full "ELN", or electronic lab notebook. They can be used to put full context and observations that a scientist wants to record, including images, files, and free text.
Modeling and Design
This section details a modeling troubleshooting guide and all of the modeling tools within Uncountable, including the Calculate Predictions module, the Suggest Experiment workflow, and other advanced tools like Identical Experiments and ANOVA analysis.
User Settings
This section outlines ways to set user specific preferences in Uncountable including, updating your password, changing your language preferences and setting up a user profile.
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