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Notebook Templates

Notebook templates are a basis for how you want the format of your notebooks to be. You can customise a notebook template with the desired formatting, saving you any time needed to format future notebooks.

You can create a new notebook template from the notebook dashboard page. To do this, click + Add and then “Notebook Template” from the dropdown menu. A pop-up menu will appear where you can name your template and enable whether the template is available in all laboratories or not. You can also choose from existing notebooks and turn them into templates. 

Notebooks can also be saved as templates from within the notebook itself. To do this, click the down arrow next to copy, and then click “Save as Template” from the drop down menu. 

Once a notebook has been saved as a template, you will see a red header at the top indicating that it is a template (1). You can start designing your own template simply by typing into the textfield. The toolbar at the top can be used to change your font style, size and colour of your text, the justification of your text and add hyperlinks (2). By clicking the gear icon next to your next field, you can quickly change your text into different types of headers (3). The notebooks also support markdown.  Any changes to the template will only be reflected in any new notebooks created with the template. 

Updated on November 14, 2023

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