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Visualizing and Analyzing Data in Uncountable

A critical benefit of the Uncountable platform is that it enables for easy, one click analysis of all data in the system. Gone are the days where a scientist’s would spend an hour trying to format data from a single experiment in Excel to get it ready for one of their disconnected visualization tools.

Uncountable was designed so that visualizing and analyzing your data is a natural, instant evolution of the design and development process. Scientists and research teams spend large amounts of resources creating and collecting experimental data, only to see it quickly lose value to the organization because of a lack of data infrastructure. Uncountable’s visualization tools allow scientists to learn from their data in a connected and intuitive way.

In addition, learnings can be saved and shared with other colleagues in a universal format, providing the organization a new and integrated knowledge management tool.

The following video depicts some of the basic visualization tools available in the platform.

Updated on April 13, 2020

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