Control Experiments

On Uncountable you are able to assign experiments as control experiments for other experiments, allowing you to easily compare measurement results from the control experiment and the test experiment. To do this, from the enter measurements page, click on the three dots at the top of the banner and then + Add Control. Alternatively, search “Add Control” in the search actions bar.

A window will appear, prompting you to select the experiment to act as the control (1), and the type of control the experiment is (2) (e.g. control, calibration etc). The control experiment needs to already be created in Uncountable. 

When a control experiment is added, the results from the control experiment will appear underneath the results of the experiments in view. All measurements that are underneath the blue line are part of the control experiment, and the blue test tube symbols also indicate that these measurements are from the control. Additionally, you are able to add multiple controls to an experiment. 

It is possible to view the outputs of the control experiments side-by-side to the outputs of the test experiments. To do this, click on Control and Side-by-Side view (1) from the drop down menu. From this menu you are also able to go directly to the control experiment itself (2), or unlink the control experiment from the test experiments (3). 

As different experiments may have different controls, you can quickly see which controls are linked to which experiments by looking at related experiments (1) and then selecting Control as the relationship type (2). This will bring up a hierarchy tree, indicating which experiments are acting as controls for which experiments.

Updated on January 14, 2024

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