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  3. Assigned Specs on Individual Recipes

Assigned Specs on Individual Recipes

How to show specs: 

Using the ‘Search Actions’ bar on the enter measurements page, search “spec”. To show the recipe’s specs, click on the ‘Assigned Specs’ button and choose ‘Always Show’ or “Automatic’ to display the recipe specs as a column. To hide, select ‘Never Show’. There is also a button ‘Specs Columns’. Here, you can select ‘Show Project Specs’, ‘Select Specs to Show’ (which will allow you to pull up any specs to compare), and ‘Hide All Specs’ (which will hide both project and assigned specs). 

This image is displaying both the Project Spec (on the left) and the Assigned Spec for the recipe (on the right). The measurement cells will be marked either red (fail) or green (pass) depending on the Assigned Spec, not the Project Spec (if there is an assigned spec on the recipe). If there is no assigned spec on the recipe, the cells will be colored red or green based on the project specs.

Difference between project spec + recipe spec: 

Project specs are specs assigned to an entire project, and this can be assigned in the project’s dashboard. Next to ‘Project Metadata’ on the left side of the screen, select the settings cog wheel. 

From here, select ‘Default Spec’. 

By default, any recipe you create in that project (which does not have an assigned (recipe) spec) will take on the project spec, as assigned spec takes priority over project spec. 

On the measurements page of a recipe, you can select to show the “Assigned Spec” column to see this. If you have a recipe spec assigned to a variant and you create a recipe from that variant, that variant recipe’s spec will be carried over. If there is no recipe spec assigned to a recipe, the recipe inherits the project spec. Additionally, if you copy a recipe, it takes the copied recipe’s spec with it, not the project’s spec. 

How to adjust specs in the enter measurements page: 

To adjust specs on the enter measurements page, click the 3 dots on the top left of the output cell you would like to edit the specs for. You will see “Goal Type”: Range, and you can manually adjust the specs there. The ‘Assigned Spec’ column will adjust automatically based on your changes. Additionally, if you have the specs column displayed, you can click on the specs cell and manually adjust the spec priority, spec type and range settings on the measurements page itself. 

Updated on January 14, 2024

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