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Analytical Measurement-type Outputs

Analytical Measurement-type outputs (AMO), previously called “recipe-as-output”, are a type of output in which a recipe is linked to an output in order to store results of analysis where the amount or concentration of analytes present in a sample is measured. A typical use-case is to record results of analysis such as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) or NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy.

How to configure AMOs

Create a new output of type Analytical Measurement:

After adding this output into an experiment (which can be done manually, or via an Uploader), you will see “Show Data”, meaning a recipe has been automatically created and is linked to the main experiment. In this example, the output has been added with three different Test Methods as Condition Parameters:

The automatically generated linked recipes appear below the parent experiment on the Dashboard with an indentation, similarly to how Test Samples are displayed:

Clicking “Show Data” presents you the Expanded View of the Analyte Concentration recipe, where you are able to view and edit the contents of the linked recipe:

By clicking Open Results from the dropdown menu to the right of “Show/Hide Data”, you are led to the linked Recipe page, which is where the measured analyte amounts are located: 

The analytes and amounts can of course be added manually to the recipe, but ideally an Uploader should be configured in conjunction with the AMO structure in order to automatically enter the data directly from your machine generated files. Don’t hesitate to discuss your specific need with your Uncountable Account Manager! 

Example use-case 

The measured Analytes are ingredients in the linked recipe, which means that ingredient attributes (such as the Molecular Weight, purity, density, etc.) can be used in input calculations. 

If the concentration of analytes is recorded in mM, as seen in the example below, an input calculation can be configured to multiply the raw amounts by the Molecular Weight in order to obtain the concentration in g/L. This would not be possible with such ease without the AMO structure. In fact, one output calculation would be necessary per individual analyte, which may become unviable. 

Creating AMOs with specific Workflows/Variants

For the linked recipe of your AMO to be created using a specific template (i.e. a specific Workflow Variant), you need to add the AMO with a Analytical Method Condition Parameter. In this article you can find more information on Analytical Methods.

The key point when creating the Analytical Method for this purpose is to tie it to the desired Variant (which needs to be configured in advance) at creation: 

Visualizing Analytical Measurement Results

To plot data stored as AMOs, go to the Explore Data page and select the Analytical Measurement-type output in one of the axes. Then click on the arrow below your selection and, on the “Measured Input” tab, select the analyte that you would like to visualize:

Updated on January 16, 2024

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