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  3. Navigation Bar Favorites Configuration

Navigation Bar Favorites Configuration

The navigation bar of the Uncountable platform serves as the main portal to its array of modules. While most of the navigation bar comes standard per the license permissions, the Favorites tab offers users an adaptable selection of shortcuts to key links, configurable to the user’s preferences.

To edit navigation bar favorites, hover the mouse over “Favorites” and select “Edit Favorites”. From the Edit Favorites page, users have the ability to add, remove, and edit Admin-Controlled and User Links. Admin-Controlled Links are shared with designated users or groups, whereas User Links are specific to the individual user.

To add a new Admin-Controlled or User Link, first designate the link location by selecting it from the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Links added to the “Favorites Tab” location will appear under the Favorites. 

Links defined under the “Mobile Landing” location become mobile landing pages. Links added to “Navbar Top Level” are added to the navigation bar.

Defining Admin-Controlled Links

When adding an Admin-Controlled Link, first define the Title Category (Object 1). 

Next define the link type (Object 2). You can link to entities, pages, listings, or custom links. 

  • Entities are nonexperimental data tables (list of users, labs, etc.)
  • Pages are existing pages within the Uncountable platform (Notebooks, Lab Requests, etc.)
  • Listings are new or existing listing configurations
  • Custom links are custom URLs

To share links with all users, click the checkbox (Object 3). Alternatively, manually select individual users or groups by typing names into the “Users User Groups” box (Object 4). Once all the necessary criteria has been defined, click the blue checkmark to add the link. 

Once a link has been created, you have the option to add a description and configuration.

Defining User Links

Unlike Admin-Controlled Links, a User Link applies specifically to the user configuring it and not to other users or user groups. Therefore, to define a User Link, follow the same steps without selecting user or users groups.

To define a User Link:

  • Select the link location (Favorites Tab, Mobile Landing, Navbar Top Level)
  • Name the Title Category (Object A)
  • Determine the link type (Object B)
  • Load the new link by pressing the blue check
  • Add a description and configuration if desired

To remove a link from your favorites, click the associated red garbage icon. Refresh the page after making changes to view your newly configured navigation bar.

Updated on June 14, 2024

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