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  3. Creating a New Project
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  3. Creating a New Project

Creating a New Project

To create a new project in Uncountable, start by navigating to the project’s view by clicking on the Uncountable logo (1) in the top left corner.

Select the Material Family (2) to add your project to. Material Families are used to provide a distinction between different types of material developed within your organization or lines of business. Read more about Material Families here.

Select New Project and input the project details (3) including:

  • New Project Name
  • Parent Project: if the New Project should be nested to any of the existing Projects.
  • Experiment Workflow: the default Workflow that will be used in the recipes of the project. You may read more about Workflows [here](workflow_post_link).
  • Calculations Shown: Calculations can be added to your recipe based on attributes of your ingredients to track things like solids %, volume, stoichiometry and costs. Uncountable allows you to build these calculations by leveraging the ingredient attributes. To access your input calculations library click on the Inputs/Outputs tab, select Inputs then select the calculations tab.

You can also create Child Projects, which are projects nested within a parent project folder. By clicking on the cog icon next to a folder and selecting Add New Child Project (4), you may enter the details of the Child Project.

Uncountable will automatically populate the Parent Project field so that you can add a child project folder to the parent project.

Now that you have created your project, you can begin adding experiments. By default, anyone within your organization will be able to access the project, though access to customizations vary by customer.

Advanced Options

From the project details modal you may access some Advanced Options that will allow you to add more information and customize the new project. To do this, simply click on Advanced Options (5).

A group of checkboxes will appear under Advanced Options, each one of them will reveal new fields in the modal when checked:

  • Show Units: allows you to set the default units of the quantities that appear in the recipes of the project to be either Parts or Percentages (Add up to 100).
  • Show Experiment Workflow: allows you to hide or display the Experiment Workflow field that is explained in the previous section of this article.
  • Show Notes: allows you to add a note to the Project so that all users with access to it may read the text you write in this field.
  • Show Tags: allows you to add Project Tags to this project. You may use project tags to filter through your project list.
  • Show Definition: if the implementation team has added custom fields to your Project details, they will appear in the modal by activating this checkbox.
  • Show Product Ingredient: allows you to define which ingredient should be tied to the experiments of this project, so that you can treat it as a Product. You may read more about Products here.
  • Show Group Permissions: allows you to specify the level of permissions of specific User Groups and their access level to the experiments stored in the project. The available options are Read, Read (Outputs Only), Write (Outputs Only), Write Outputs, Read Inputs and Write.
Updated on January 5, 2023

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