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Project Dashboard Layout

The Project Dashboard is the main homepage for any project within the platform. Accessible by clicking Dashboard (Object 1) on the left side of the homepage, you will be taken to the project Dashboard for the active project.

One important feature of the Project Dashboard is the Project Metadata, located in the top right corner of the dashboard (Object 2). This information includes the Material Family, Owner, and Creation Date. Other fields can be configured to appear in the Project Metadata section by default as well.

To edit information such as Project Lead, Metadata, or Default Workflow, open the “Edit Project Information” modal by clicking the gear icon in the right hand corner.

Within this modal, you can change the Project Lead (Object A), which will assign permissions to that new user. You can adjust the Spec (Object B) as well as the Default Workflow for all new experiments created within the project (Object C). You can also turn on Recipe Calculations for all experiments in the project regardless of the Workflow settings (Object D), and assign tags at the project level (Object E).

From the Dashboard, you have the ability to add new experiments to your project (Object 3). A detailed overview of how to create new experiments can be found in the “New Experiment” section of the Uncountable Knowledgebase. 

Next to the search bar, the dropdown menu provides Action and Tag controls (Object 4) and links to enter the Recipes, Measurements, and Compare pages (Object 5).

Within the Project Dashboard, you will see an option to filter and search experiments. The filter can be used to target ingredients, calculations, metadata, tags, measurements, experiment creators, dates, etc. The search bar is only used to target the name of an experiment.

Also visible on the Dashboard are the set of experiments in that project (Object 1). Single clicking an experiment will “Select” it, turning it purple, as shown below. Single clicking on a selected experiment will deselect and turn it white.

The number of experiments selected is shown to the right of the Search Experiment bar (Object 2). Users can easily select all of the experiments in view by toggling the “Select All” box left of the New Experiments button (Object 3). Clear all of the selected experiments by clicking the box again.

Breadcrumbs for project information, indicating which parent project(s) are in place for the current active project, are displayed in the bottom left corner of the dashboard (Object 4). This information can also be found at the top of the page.

Another helpful tool on the Uncountable Project Dashboard is the Experiment Preview, which gives a general overview of the Experiment Spec, Recipe, Measurements, and Calculations. The preview displays information on one experiment at a time and opens on the right side of the dashboard. If more than one experiment is selected, the last experiment selected is previewed.

The Recipe (Object A) section of the preview includes project Ingredients and/or Process Parameters. 

Associated with every Recipe are the corresponding Measurements and Test Results (Object B). To understand how a value compares to values across all projects in a Material Family, hover your mouse over a specific Measurement or Test Result (i.e. Elongation at Break). This histogram reflects where the experimental value stacks up against all others in the system (Object C). 

Although it provides information such as spec, recipe, measurements, and calculations, the Experiment Preview is meant to give a sense of the whole experiment and is not meant for comparing data or getting a full view of that data point. 

If you wish to change the sorting of the experiments listed in the dashboard, you can do so by clicking on the two arrows button to the right of the Search bar. By default, experiments are sorted from latest created to oldest created, top to bottom. You can sort by experiment name, date last edited, or utilize the Custom Sort option.

To edit or compare one or more existing experiments at once, select the experiments by clicking on the experiment name. Selected experiments will be highlighted in purple, as seen in the image below.

Once selected, utilize the Action and Tag dropdown menu to navigate between the Recipe (Object A) and Measurement Editor (Object B) pages of your experiments. You can also compare your selections (Object C), which will bring you to a read-only view of experiments highlighted.

The Visualize tool (Object D) enables you to bring the selected experiments to one of the several visualization tools in the system, which includes View Correlations, Compare Images, Compare Curves, and Explore Data.

For bulk actions, such as copying or moving experiments from one project to another, utilize the tools highlighted by Object E. For detailed articles on editing Recipes, Measurements, and the Compare function, refer to the Uncountable Knowledgebase.

Experiment tags are also typically added, accessed, and adjusted from the experiment dashboard. To add, create, remove, or edit tags, access the Set Tags modal (Object F). For an in-depth look at Tags, refer to the Tag section in the Uncountable Knowledgebase. 

The Project Dashboard offers two distinct views, “Experiments View” and “Experiments List”, which can be selected from the row beneath the project name. Experiments View is the default Uncountable dashboard view.

The Experiment List view will bring the user to a cross-material family, cross-project pivot table of all experimental data. Effectively any field of any experiment can be quickly tabularized into a custom table, where the user controls all filters and columns present on the table. More information on Experiment Lists is available here

The Favorites tab, located right of the Experiments View and List options, allows you to quickly access other favorited projects and associated experiments from within a Project Dashboard. To favorite the current project, click the star icon next to the project name (Object 1). To select multiple projects, navigate to the Project Layout page.

Updated on June 10, 2024

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