Quick Filters

Uncountable’s Quick Filters tool enables users to easily toggle filters on and off, streamlining the process of customizing listing views. While the platform offers numerous default Quick Filters, the toolbar is editable, allowing users to personalize filter shortcuts according to their preferences. 

Quick Filters are listing-specific. For example, filters added to a Requests listing will not appear on a Tasks or Approvals listing. Quick Filters are also user-specific, ensuring that customized views do not impact cross-platform views for other users. To edit the default filters, users must have the appropriate admin rights. 

Customizing Quick Filters

To edit your personal Quick Filters, simply click the pencil icon within the top toolbar. From there, you can select between three types of Quick Filters: dropdown, pill, and toggle.

  1. Dropdown: When adding a dropdown filter, users select the column to filter and determine the selection mode (multiple or single). In the example below, the Request column is filtered by lab location with a multiple select mode.

After adding the dropdown filter, it will be visible in your toolbar, allowing you to select different column subcategories (such as lab locations) from a dropdown menu. As subcategories are added or removed, the filters dynamically adjust the displayed data to reflect these changes.

Filters are stackable, allowing users to expand their search by selecting more than one filter subcategory simultaneously. For instance, selecting both “San Francisco” and “Munich” would generate a listing that includes requests from either of these two lab locations.

  1. Pill: Pill filters function similarly to dropdown filters in that they enable users to quickly add and remove filters. In the example below, the Request column will again be filtered by lab location.

After adding the pill filter, users can click on different subcategories to view a filtered listing of relevant data. Like dropdown filters, you can choose to filter by one or more subcategories. Clicking “San Francisco” would present a listing of only requests from that lab. Clicking “San Francisco” and “Munich” would present a listing of requests from San Francisco OR Munich.

  1. Toggle: Toggle filters are simple filters which allow the user to quickly switch between one filter criteria. For example, adding an “Archived” pill filter results in a toggle button which adds and removes archived requests.

After adding the toggle filter, it will display on the dashboard as a single button. Clicking it engages the filter and highlights the button in blue. Clicking it again disengages the filter and removes the blue highlights.

The addition of quick filters to the Uncountable platform aims to enhance user experience by enabling quick, personalized data views. These features offer Uncountable users flexible tools to customize and manage their data views effectively.

Updated on July 15, 2024

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