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  3. Creating New Experiments

Creating New Experiments

There two main ways to create new experiments in Uncountable. Either by starting from scratch or building off of an existing experiment.

Creating New Experiments from Scratch

To start from scratch, first select New Experiments from the dashboard.

On the next modal, you can define how you’d like to create your new experiments based on the following options.

  1. Enter the name for your experiment if you’d like to modify the default name.
  2. Create additional experiments if you’d like to generate more than a single experiment.
  3. Select a naming scheme (for example you can append each subsequent experiment with a specific scheme).
  4. Add an existing tag or new tag to your new experiments. (Article: Experiment Tags)

Building off of Existing Experiments

To build off of an existing experiment, select the base experiment and click Copy.

  1. Enter the name for your experiment if you’d like to modify the default name.
  2. Create additional copies if you’d like to generate more than a single experiment.
  3. Select a naming scheme (for example you can append each subsequent experiment with a specific scheme).
  4. Select which project to create the copy within (the default will be the current project). 
  5. Choose which elements of the existing experiment to include in your copy.
  6. Add an existing tag or new tag to your new experiments.
Updated on November 24, 2020

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