Unit Conversions

Across your organization, you may have teams in different regions utilizing different units. In order to ensure that all users are able to view and interpret data in units that make sense to them, there are a couple of unit conversion options available in Uncountable.

Unit Conversion Groups

When viewing data in the edit measurements view, you can enable the default unit conversions of Metric → Imperial or Imperial → Metric. This will convert the value accordingly only when you view the data.

If you want to set up a custom unit conversion group with additional conversions included, you can select Unit Conversion Settings and edit an existing group or create a new one.

User Unit Conversions

To convert an individual measurement to a different unit, you can go to the measurement details page for the output and select a unit conversion. You will also have the option to create a new conversion. This will only affect the way you view the data, it will not convert the data for any other users.

Updated on November 24, 2020

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