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Sorting and Organizing Outputs

By default, Uncountable will sort Enter Measurement page’s the measurement table in alphabetical order based on category and output name. To rearrange the view, you can use Sorting and Organization Options.

Organizing Outputs from Enter Measurements

The easiest way to sort and organize your outputs is directly from the Enter Measurements table. By clicking the information ‘i’ icon next to the output, you’ll be able to assign condition parameters as column or table parameters.

In the example below, the Aging Temperature condition parameter added as a table parameter.

Applying this changes reorganizes the table, displaying all Aging Temperature values as table parameters displayed next to the output category name. Any new Aging Temperature value will be added as a new category (i.e. Rheology, 100°C and Rheology, 150°C).

Alternatively, if you select to add the condition parameter as a column parameter, each parameter will represent its own column to the left of the output name.

Applying these changes reorganizes the table, this time displaying all Aging Temperature values for each category in column format.

If you have more than one column parameter in view you can drag the columns from left to right using the hamburger icon to further organize the view.

Additionally, if you click on a column header, you can resort it if it’s a categorical condition parameter, or remove it as a column.

Using the Sort and Organize Modal

Alternatively, output sorting and organization can also be done from the Sort and Organize modal. To access this modal, click the branch icon at the top of the Enter Measurement page table and select “Sorting and Organization Options”.

In the “Sort” tab of Sort and Organize modal, you’ll be able to click and drag to rearrange the order of both categories and individual outputs using the hamburger icon.

In the “Organize” tab, users can add, remove, and rearrange categories as well as table and column parameters.

When setting an organization in the Sort and Organize modal, there is also the option to set that configuration as your own default organization as well as the default organization for the Material Family. Doing so replaces the original default output organization. Note that only users with proper permissions can replace a Material Family’s default organization.

Organizing Outputs by Table

To organize by table, add condition parameters to “Sort by Table” by clicking the “+ Add Condition Parameter” button at the bottom of that the top section.

For example, the configuration below sorts outputs by table, first output category, then by Aging Time, and then by Aging Temperature.

After clicking “Confirm Changes”, note how outputs on the Enter Measurement page table are now grouped first by category (Rheology, Physicals, Visual, Tensile, and Visual testing), then Aging Time (1 week and 2 weeks), and then by Aging Temperature (100°C and 150°C).

Organizing Outputs by Column

Alternatively, using the same condition parameters, outputs can also be sorted by columns. To organize by columns, add condition parameters to “Sort by Column” by clicking the “+ Add Condition Parameter” button at the bottom of that the lower section.

For example, the configuration below sorted by table by category. Then, they are sorted by column, first by Aging Time, and then by Aging Temperature.

After clicking “Confirm Changes”, note how outputs on the Enter Measurement page table are now grouped first by category (Rheology, Physicals, Visual, Tensile, and Visual testing), then into columns by Aging Time (1 week and 2 weeks), and then by Aging Temperature (100°C and 150°C).

Promote Constant Column Parameters Option

When sorting outputs by columns, an additional option within the Sort and Organize modal allows users to simplify their outputs table by “promoting” column condition parameters to table parameters when the value is the same within the table. This helps to reduce visual clutter by reducing the number of column condition parameters within the table.

For example, in the table below, all outputs have an Aging Temperature condition parameter of 100°C. Additionally, the Visual testing output category also has one one Aging Time condition parameter value.

To promote column condition parameters, navigating to the Organize tab of the Sort and Organize modal and checking the “Promote Constant Column Parameters” option before clicking “Confirm Changes”.

Returning to the outputs table, note how the Aging Temperature column has been removed entirely. This information is now displayed next to the output category name. For Visual testing, both condition parameter columns have been promoted to table parameters.

Note: Promoted condition parameters, like column condition parameters, can still be edited, copied, or removed by clicking on them.

Saving/Loading Configurations

Once you get to your ideal view, you can save this configuration using the “Create New Group from View” tool. Doing so saves your outputs and sort/organize settings as a new output group.

1. Use Search Action to search for “Create New Group from View”.

2. Enter a group name and determine whether or not to share access with all users. Then, click “Create Group”.

Now, to load your sorted and organized outputs, simply add the saved output group as normal by clicking “Add Outputs” from the Enter Measurements page.

Updated on September 17, 2024

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