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  3. Custom Machine Data Uploaders

Custom Machine Data Uploaders

In many cases, you may have measurement data that gets extracted directly from test equipment / test software in the form of raw data files (typically .csv, .txt, or custom file extensions). If these files have relatively consistent formatting, Uncountable can configure the platform to be able to ingest the raw data files and process the data in a number of different ways allowing users to save time, avoid data entry errors, and streamline analysis.

The most common examples of this type of data processing include curves (such as stress vs. strain or storage modulus vs. temperature) and individual data points (such as storage modulus at temperature = 60C, area under the curve, etc.). There are more complex processing configurations that are possible as well depending on your needs.

Please reach out to your Uncountable account manager to discuss uploader configurations for your team.

Example Raw Data Upload

Updated on November 5, 2020

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