Condition parameters, or output conditions, are used in Uncountable to specify how a particular test was conducted. Test temperature, shear rate, sample shape, or aging time, for example, may be conditions that you use to define a given test that may be necessary to differentiate the way one tensile test was run, for example, from another.
Adding the proper detail with condition parameters will help ensure that the data is well-structured, organized, and understandable, as well as enable the effective use of features such as searching, analysis, and modeling.
Using Condition Parameters
Condition parameters can be added to a measurement when the measurement is added to an experiment. To add a new parameter to the measurement, you can select from the dropdown that says “Condition Parameters”. In the example below, the Tensile Strength was added to the experiment with the conditions Substrate, Test Temperature, and Time.

Conditions can be added to output groups to encourage consistent data recording. See article on Output Groups for more detail.
You can also create an output group containing the outputs and conditions you selected in the Add Measurement window by clicking on + Create New Group. In the example below, the outputs Test Temperature, Time, and Substrate were selected with specific conditions, and the outputs group “Tensile Testing” was created:

The Edit All Conditions option allows you to add a condition parameter that applies to all outputs in the group. It is equivalent to selecting “Edit Condition” next to the name of the group. In the example below, the condition “Test method” was added to all outputs selected:

The option Test Condition Matrix (grid icon on the top right side) enables adding multiple values for multiple condition parameters simultaneously to all outputs or output groups selected.

Select the desired condition parameters on the “Select Parameter” dropdown menu. In the example below, conditions Aging Temperature and Aging Time were added, in addition to the Test Method which was added previously. Three values for temperature and time were added by clicking “+ Add Condition”.

After submitting, a combination of all values of all conditions added to the matrix are applied to the outputs (or outputs groups) selected:

Creating New Condition Parameters
If you need to create a new condition parameter, you can do so by selecting “+ New”.

From the “Add Condition Parameter” modal, first name the new parameter.

Next, set the parameter type (Numeric, Text, or Analytical Method).

Then, set the units before clicking “Create Parameter”.

Customizing/Configuring Condition Parameters
There are several configuration options for condition parameters that you may want to utilize for your implementation.
Configuring Options
If you’d like to specify only certain options for one of your condition parameters, rather than allowing users to enter information freely, you can choose to “Edit Options” for a parameter on the Condition Parameters page listing.
To access the page, click on Inputs/Outputs > Outputs > Condition Parameters. Then, click the “…” associated with a parameter and select “Edit Options” from the dropdown menu.

Set condition parameter options by adding entering a value and clicking “Add Option”. Reorder options by clicking and dragging. Users also have the ability to add notes before clicking “Save”.

Once you have set the options from the condition parameters page, you will only see the options you marked in the active section appear in the dropdown menu after adding the condition parameter to a measurement. There is no option to add a new value unless you return to the condition parameters page and add an additional option or remove the active options all together.

Setting Condition Parameters as Global/Non-Global
On the Condition Parameters page, you can select if a parameter is global. A global parameter means that it applies to all outputs. If this box is not check, the parameter must is non-global and must be enabled on a per-output basis.

Configuring Condition Parameters By Measurement
If a particular condition parameter is used with multiple measurements, then you may need to specify the options on a measurement-by-measurement basis. For example, Test Method is a common condition parameter that you may want to assign, but the options for Test Method should likely be different if you are performing a Tensile Test vs. a Compression Set Test.
To make this measurement specific configuration, go to the Measurement Detail page for any measurement and scroll down to the Condition Parameters Settings section. From there you can add a parameter to the list and Edit the parameter options that will be displayed.

In addition, you can configure if the condition should be added as Warning or Required for that specific measurement.

By selecting Warning, if you add the measurement to an experiment, the condition will automatically appear and will be highlighted yellow as a warning to add it, but it will still be possible to add the measurement if you do not enter any value for that condition.

By selecting Required, the condition will automatically appear when adding the measurement to an experiment, and will be highlighted red. In this case, adding a value to this condition is mandatory: it will not be possible to add the measurement unless you enter a value to the condition.

Configuring Default Conditions
You may create a set of default conditions and condition values to a specific measurement, for instance if you use the same conditions often.
On the details page of the measurement in question, select “Change Default Condition”. Then select the desired conditions and add default values to them. You may add these just for yourself, or for all users (if you have the permissions to do so).

When adding a measurement that has default conditions, they will automatically appear (you may change them if necessary).

Analytical Method Condition Parameters (AMCPs)
For more information on analytical method condition parameters (AMCPs), please refer to Analytical Methods.