Creating New Outputs

Outputs in Uncountable are meant to encompass all of the ways that you measure, test, and characterize your data. While most traditional outputs may be numerical measurements, you can also create outputs to store categorical data, images, curves and more.

You can create a new output in Uncountable from either the experiment measurements page or the edit measurement page.

Then you can define the details of the measurement including the name, units (if applicable), category, and measurement type.

When naming the measurement, it’s important to provide a name that is widely used across your organization so other users will understand exactly what test the output is associated with. In some cases, it may be helpful to put an alternative name in parentheses for clarity. (Note that you should not include test conditions in the name of an output. For example, Strength at 100C should use the output “Strength” and have the condition 100C applied to the output when used. Please refer to this article for more information on Outputs Conditions).

If your characterization is not a numerical value, you can choose from the other measurement types which are described below.

Numeric: Default option that allows users to record numerical values

Curve: Allows users to input or upload X/Y coordinates to be displayed as curves in the system. In many cases, Uncountable will set up custom uploader tools to ingest curve data. Please refer to this article on Custom Machine Data Uploaders and this article on Visualizing Curve Data for more information.

Image: Allows users to store image files. More details on image outputs can be found in the following article: Storing Image Outputs.

Calculation: Allows users to define an output to be derived from other outputs, inputs, or calculations. One common example would be calculating the change in a measurement after 72 hours of thermal aging. These types of calculations can be automated in Uncountable. Please contact your account manager for assistance on setting up calculated outputs.

Text: Allows users to record free text information or observations into the measurement cells.

Categorical: Allows users to define certain selections for an output. In many cases, this is a good best practice for qualitative information to ensure consistency of data collection. In the measurement table, these options will appear as dropdown menu selections.

Ordinal: Functions similarly to categorical but requires users to assign numerical values to be associated with each option. This will provide better functionality with the visualization and analysis features.

File Upload: Enables the upload of any type of file to the output cell such as pdf or excel. Note that this feature will only store the file and not do anything to structure or process the data. Please consult with your account manager to determine if this option is the right one for your specific situation.

Updated on May 13, 2021

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