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Creating and editing reports

You can generate summaries of your analyses using comparisons, charts, and other visualizations in one convenient location: a report. Reports in Uncountable’s platform can serve two main purposes. First, they can be used as an electronic lab notebook (ELN) entry, associated with a project in the platform. Second, reports can also be used to generate a more formal report for external viewing purposes. Reports can be created and accessed directly from the Project Dashboard.

You can also create a report directly from the main Dashboard.

Alternatively, you can also create a report from the Reports Dashboard. Before you begin a set of experiments, or once your data has been entered into the Uncountable interface, you can generate a report from the Reports button on the Navigation Bar.

From the Reports Dashboard, you can either generate a new report by clicking on the +Add New Report button, or edit an existing report by finding it on the list below. When creating a new report, you can use an existing template to populate several common fields. 

If you are looking for an older report, you can enter its name into the search bar at the top of the screen to locate it. You can also pin a report to appear at the top of the list by clicking on the pin outline to the left of the delete button.

Adding Text to a Report

Reports can contain virtually any information generated within the platform, including text, tables, experiment comparisons, visualizations, pictures, chemical structures, and even external filetypes like Microsoft Office documents or PDFs. 

To add a text field to a report, a user can click on the +Add Item button and select Text (the first item on the dropdown menu). Doing so will generate a text field at the bottom of the report, which can be moved by dragging it to the desired section of the report. Additionally, users can create section headings in their reports by selecting the Section button from the +Add Item dropdown menu. A section heading is a customizable field that informs readers of the topic of the upcoming section of the report.

If there is no existing option that meets your needs, you can also upload any file type from your computer directly into the report by clicking on the “Drag or click to upload” interface located at the top and bottom of the screen.

Report Template

The Uncountable platform offers the functionality to create a generic report template that pre-generates the particular cells you might need in any given report. You can access the report templates tab from the main Reports page. At the top of the page and to the right of the Reports tab, there is a Report Templates tab (1). By clicking on this tab, you will be brought to a screen that displays all of your previously saved report templates. From this screen, you are able to create a new report template. Please refer to the Creating a Report Template support guide for step-by-step instructions.

If your template does not automatically create all of the cells you need for your report, click on the +Add Item button to create new cells. To change the order of a report’s cells, simply click and drag the cell’s icon (not its name) to the desired position. Alternatively, you can click and drag the three bar icon () next to each cell to reposition it. Each cell will present you with the tools to import or otherwise edit what it displays, and you are able to load previously created visualizations into your report.

Experimental Comparison

To add a data table comparing formulas/measurements/etc between experiments, also known as an experimental comparison, scroll down to the Experiments button on the +Add Item dropdown menu.

An experiment comparison cell will appear at the bottom of your report. Scroll down to select which experiments and inputs/outputs that you want to display. Using the Select Cell Type dropdown menu, you have the option to either manually select which experiments you want to compare, or automatically select a range of the most recent 5-25 experiments. To select specific inputs or outputs from an experiment, click in the Select Inputs/Outputs box and select your desired options. If you would like to display all of an experiment’s inputs or outputs, simply, check the dialog box to the right. You can navigate through the selected experiments by right scrolling across the table. If you would like to highlight a specific experiment, click on its name and the Highlight Column button. You can also export an experiment’s data to a custom table in the cell below by clicking on the Convert to Custom Table button.

Alternatively, you can also import an experimental comparison directly from the Dashboard. From the main Dashboard, you can select the experiments that you want to compare from the given list, using search functionality to locate older experiments. There is no limit to the number of experiments that you can compare at once. On the left-hand side of the screen, the grayed out “Compare” button will turn blue and become clickable. 

Once you click the “Compare” button, you will be brought to the Experimental Comparison page where you can adjust the order of the experiments by an ascending, descending, or custom arrangement. By clicking on the Recipes or Measurements button, you will be able to edit the contents of your experiment(s). 

After you have edited the experiment to your heart’s desire, you can save it to your Project Notebook or a lab report by clicking on the blue save icon (💾). A modal window will appear, prompting you to select which rows of the experiment you would like to save––20 rows is the recommended limit for readability. The buttons at the top of the window (1) allow you to select everything, deselect everything, expand everything, or collapse everything. The tools at the lower end of the modal window (3) allow you to save your experimental comparison into an existing report, your Project Notebook, or to create a new report. By clicking on the “+ Notes” button (4) at the very bottom of the window, you are able to add any pertinent notes to accompany your experimental comparison.


To add a previously made visualization or chart to your report, select the Visualizations button from the +Add Item dropdown menu. A pop-up box will prompt you to select which type of data and which pre-made model to insert into the report. You can also delete previously saved plots here––to clean up the interface or to override older plots that you no longer need access to. Doing so will not interfere with the underlying data. To save your visualization directly into a report, please see our Saving Plots support guide.

You can also directly save your model to a report from the Explore Data page. Refer to our Saving Plots support guide for step-by-step instructions.

Chemical Structure

If you want to illustrate the chemical structure of an ingredient, scroll down to the Chemical Structure button under the +Add Item dropdown menu. 

Once selected, a Chemical Structure cell will populate at the bottom of your report; scroll down to edit the cell. Once there, you have the options to import SMILES strings or to draw a chemical structure by hand. For the former option, click on the Import SMILES string button and input the desired SMILES string. A preview window will populate with the visual outcome of your string. If it is what you need to display, click on the Add Molecule button. Similarly, if you want to add in molecules by hand, simply select the Search molecules tab, type in the name of your desired molecule––for example, carbon––and click Add Molecule. Once the display is populated with the desired molecules, you can move them around or add charges, bonds, and ring structures using the toolbar to the lefthand side of the screen. The magnifying glass buttons to the lower right allow you to adjust the magnification of the screen or reset it to the starting position.

Report Preview 

Once you have populated your report with all of the necessary information, you can preview the report’s final form by clicking on the Show Preview button on the top right corner of the page. 

Exporting and Sharing

Users are able to export and share their report using the icons on the navigation bar.

Clicking on the Export button will make a dropdown menu appear, allowing users to export their report to Word or Excel. Additionally, users can export all of a report’s attachments.

To share a report with colleagues, a user can click on the arrow to the right of the Export icon. Pressing on this button will call forth a modal dialog window in which users can select other team members to share the report with, or generate a unique link that can be sent to colleagues.


Users have the capability to add previously created visualizations to their report by clicking on the +Add Item button and selecting the Visualization option. Pressing on this button will summon a modal dialog box which prompts users to select the Save Type and Name of the desired visualization to insert into their report.

Updated on May 25, 2021

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