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Creating a report template

A report template can serve as the baseline for populating your report with the cell types, saving you the time of recreating them for every report. While you can customize each individual report you make, if you know which cells or text fields you will need for each report, you can make a general report template.

Under the Reports menu, select the Reports Template tab. Here, you will find all of the existing report templates you have made and have the option to create a new template using the +Report Template button (1). A dialog box (2) will appear prompting you to title the report template, number it with a prefix, and select to apply the template across all material families.

Your report template will appear, allowing you to customize it as if it were a normal report. Use the +Add Item button to add in your desired sections and cells. Using the buttons at the top of the screen, you can lock the template, disallowing for further changes to be made, or copy it into a new report template (which is especially useful if you need to make two similar templates).

Once you have set up the template to your needs, it will automatically save. You can click the +New Report button to put your new template into action and begin populating your report with data.

Adding a Visualization

Users are also able to assign a visualization to a report template. First, they will have to create a plot under the Explore Data section of the Uncountable interface. Please see our support guide on creating plots for step-by-step instructions on how to do so.

Once the desired plot is created, a user can select the save icon and check the Save as Template box. 

Then, if the user goes back into their Report Template, they will be able to select Add Visualization from the +Add Item dropdown menu.

Once selected, the Visualization button will call forth a modal dialog box which allows users to select the specific plot they would like to append to their template.

Updated on May 17, 2021

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