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Managing and searching reports

The Reports tab allows you to keep track of and manage previously created reports. Once you have created a series of reports through the Uncountable platform, you may want to keep track of the most important ones or search for keywords across reports. If you click on the Reports button at the top of the Dashboard, you will open the general list of reports, organized by the date created. You can elect to filter the reports shown in the general list by using the filter function at the top of the screen. Click Add Filter to only view reports which fall within a specific category–for example, within a particular project or category. You can also choose to view all of the reports you have made by selecting the Filter By My Reports button.

Once you have filtered your reports, can you further adjust how they are displayed on the screen. By default the reports will be displayed in the descending order in which they were created. To re-sort the reports by a different criteria, click on the name of the desired heading–Title, Project, Create Time, Created By, Last Modified. You can also use the pin button to pin specific reports to the top of the page. However, keep in mind that your pinned reports will only appear if they fall within your filters.

Finding reports

The keyword search tool at the top of the page allows you to locate specific reports or their correlated files (saved to the report). Your results will be populated first by a series of pertinent reports, followed by a series of related attachments.

Updated on April 21, 2021

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