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  3. Creating a Lab Request

Creating a Lab Request

The Uncountable platform contains a Lab Request module to facilitate the communication of information and data between users. The Lab Request module is designed to allow lab work to flow through a standardized and collaborative request system. Request forms are highly configurable, so talk to your account manager to get help in setting up custom request templates.

Once you have made a recipe (or recipes), you can generate a lab request ticket to coordinate the making and testing of the recipes. The most common way to do this is from the Enter Recipes page. Click on the blue +Lab Request button to generate a ticket tied to your experiment. Alternatively, if a salesperson has a lab request from an end-use customer, they can also generate lab requests directly from the Lab Order Status page, In this case, the lab request will not be tied to a specific experiment in the system without extra action.

Once a draft request  has been generated, you will be prompted to populate and configure it to your specific needs. This configuration is customizable and allows you to specify fields such as a timeline, lead, batch size, instructions, and measurements. Refer to our support page on Lab Configuration for step-by-step instructions.

At the top of the screen, a lab requester is able to edit the name and number of the lab request, and can ask Uncountable engineers to alter the default name of all future lab requests. Once a lab request has been submitted, the number of a lab request can no longer be edited. Additionally, a user can nominate themselves as a watcher of the lab request who will be notified about any updates to that request, even if they are not named as a lead.

Other functionalities under the Options button include printing the lab request, viewing the event long, creating a barcode, sending a reminder email, adding a lab request to a report, archiving a lab request, duplicating a lab request, and exporting a runsheet for use in a lab.

By clicking on the Enter Results button, a user will be taken into the measurements page for their experiment(s), where they will be able to edit inputs, process parameters, and outputs, in addition to uploading pertinent files. Once completed, a user will be able to mark that specific request (or subsection of a request) as complete.

Updated on February 4, 2022

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