
*Any of the features on the inventory tab can be configured by contacting your account manager*

If a customer is using the formulation function, they can tie formulations created in the system with amounts of materials used in the lab in the Inventory tab. In this way, they can ensure that a lab location has enough of any given material to carry out a recipe and receive different batches of items.

The search bar at the top of the screen allows users to search directly for a particular item within the equipment inventory. If your lab has multiple locations, make sure to specify which location’s equipment you want to search through using the dropdown menu on the far right-hand side of the screen. 

To further filter your results, users can click on the purple Add Filter button at the top of the screen. Doing so will call up a common filtering interface found throughout the Uncountable platform. Users can specify what categories they wish to filter their results by and further narrow that filter down to specific attributes within that larger category. For example, users can filter their search results by Ingredient Attribute and further by Surface Area within that category. Additionally, users can use the  ≠ function to exclude specific categories from their search, and can add further filters by clicking on the blue Add Filter button.

To add an item to the inventory, click on the blue Add Inventory button which will call forward a modal dialog box. Users have the functionality to add multiple inventory items from the same modal dialog box by clicking on the Add Inventory button on the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

The box will prompt users to enter the name of a specific ingredient as well as the lot, location, inventory, and reason for the change with a series of dropdown menus. 


There are two distinct ways to specify an ingredient’s lot. The first way is to use the unique barcode provided by the manufacturer and tied to any given ingredient. To do this, simply click on the Lot dropdown menu and select New Lot from Barcode. 

The second way is to manually enter the Lot details. The image above includes a few example fields, but the specific fields can be configured according to the user’s requests, just inform your AM of which categories would be helpful for your work.

The modal dialog box also allows you to identify a recipe as your lot. Navigate to the Use Recipe as Lot tab at the top of the screen and select the desired recipe. 


To set your location, click on the Set Location button and select the desired location from the list on the dropdown menu.


To identify your inventory, enter the amount of a given item that you would like to categorize. Don’t forget to use the correct units which can be modified by using the units dropdown menu to the right of the inventory field.

By clicking on the arrow to the right of the Set Inventory button, users are able to add a lot from a barcode directly, without having to navigate through the steps outlined above.

Reserve Inventory

To request that a particular item be reserved within the inventory, click on the Reserve Inventory button which will call forth a modal dialog box. This box will allow a user to enter their desired ingredient, lot, quantity (with units), and reason for the reserve request. Users have the functionality to add multiple reserve requests from the same modal dialog box by clicking on the Add Inventory button on the bottom left-hand side of the screen.


The Locations button, located to the right of the Reserve Inventory button, allows users to switch easily between different lab locations. Clicking on the button will call up a modal dialog box where users can filter their results by location or manage their locations. Choosing to filter your results by location will simply autopopulate the Filters section of the screen with a location filter. Electing to manage locations will bring the user to a new page in which they will be able to add or organize their lab’s locations using the Add Location and Organize Locations buttons respectively.

Further Options

The last icon at the top of the screen, the gear, allows users to modify the displayed columns (such as Lot and Ingredient Attributes) and view all items in the inventory, even if there are 0 units of a given item available.

Updated on February 4, 2022

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