
The Equipment tab allows users to keep track of the hardware equipment that may be used in the process of lab experiments.

The search bar at the top of the screen allows users to search directly for a particular item within the inventory. If your lab has multiple locations, make sure to specify which location’s inventory you want to search through using the dropdown menu on the far right-hand side of the screen. 

To further filter your results, users can click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the Filters button. Doing so will call up a common filtering interface found throughout the Uncountable platform. Users can specify what categories they wish to filter their results by and further narrow that filter down to specific types within the larger category. For example, users can filter their search results by Equipment Type and further by all Mixers within that category. Additionally, users can use the  ≠ function to exclude specific categories from their search, and can add further filters by clicking on the blue Add Filter button.

Finally, users can customize which columns appear on the table. The default is to include the name, type, status, next maintenance, and next recommended maintenance visit for each piece of equipment. However, by selecting the Set Columns button, you can add or remove additional columns such as Parent Equipment Type. If there are other column categories that you would like to include, please contact your account manager.

Add Equipment

Users are also able to add new equipment to the Uncountable platform by clicking on the +Add Equipment button at the top of the page. This page is entirely configurable, according to any given user’s needs––just ask your account manager to add or remove any desired fields. Some common fields include but are not limited to: the supplier, specific location within the lab, and serial number.

Track Maintenance (and Calibration) Information

Users are also able to manage and track the maintenance (and calibration) schedules for any given piece of equipment. Often managed in Excel, maintenance and calibration schedules can be specified according to a predetermined interval (i.e. every 3 months) or at a specific date (5 June 2023). In the modal dialog box, users can name their schedule, specify an interval or specific date, and assign a lead to the job.

Maintenance (and Calibration) Records

For any given piece of equipment, a user can record previous maintenance and calibration entries, view when it has been last serviced, and add any relevant notes.

Updated on February 4, 2022

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