On the Condition Parameters listing page (Inputs/Outputs → Outputs → Condition Parameters), the “Options” dropdown offers tools to transform or merge condition parameters. For more information on condition parameters, refer to Condition Parameters.
Transforming vs. Merging Condition Parameters
While both options help manage condition parameters, they serve different purposes:
- Transform Condition Parameters: Replaces condition parameters values with a base condition parameter value or values. For example, users can take a value (x) for Condition Parameter 1 and swap it with another value (y) for Condition Parameters 1 or 2.
- Merge Condition Parameters: Consolidates individual parameters. This tool is useful for cleaning up redundancy by replacing one parameter entirely with another.
Transform Condition Parameters
From the Condition Parameter listing “Options” menu, select Transform Condition Parameters to opens the Transform modal.
- Base Condition Parameters: Select the parameters and values that will replace transformed combinations.
- Transformed Condition Parameters: Choose the parameters and values to be replaced. All instances of these transformed combinations will be substituted with the base condition parameters.
- Required Missing Condition Parameters (Optional): Specify parameters that must be absent in a condition for it to be transformed.
- Scoping Outputs: By default, the transformation applies to all outputs. To restrict the transformation to specific outputs, use the dropdown menu.
- Additional Settings: Configure additional options using the checkboxes at the top of the modal:
- Only transform output parameters in the current material family: Limits the transformation to parameters within the current material family.
- Keep blank recipe outputs: Retains blank recipe outputs during the transformation.
Merge Condition Parameters
From the Condition Parameter listing “Options” menu, select Merge Condition Parameters to opens the Merge modal.
- Base Condition Parameter: Select the parameter that will replace the merging parameter.
- Merging Condition Parameter: Select the parameter that will be merged into the base parameter and removed.