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  3. <strong>Actual Values/Show Recipe</strong>

Actual Values/Show Recipe

With Uncountable, you can record what the values you used in a specific formulation are and compare them to the common values that are usually set for a recipe. Maybe you ran out of stock or are just experimenting with new recipes, whatever the case you can record all that data in the platform.

In order to record what are the Actual Values you used in a Recipe, you have to click on the Actual Values option (1) in the toolbar of the Enter Recipe page. Feel free to use the Toolbar’s Search Bar (2) to quickly search for this option.

If the Experiment is using a Workflow that’s configured with the option Show Set/Actual Section active, then you will also be able to see the Recipe Values from the Measurements Page (4) with their Actual Values if you click on Show Recipes (3) from the toolbar.

After clicking on Show Recipes (3) you will be able to see the whole recipe of the experiment with its Actual Values, if the Workflow is configured with Show Set/Actual Section active. (see 8)

You may always hide the recipe information later by clicking on Hide Recipes (3)

Once this option is active, you may quickly set your Actual Values to be the same as your Set Values by clicking the Use Set button (5). If they are unequal, the platform will automatically calculate the difference for you.

If the Workflow assigned to the Recipe is not configured to show the Set/Actual Section, you will still be able to view the Experiment’s Recipe (4) from within the Measurements page by clicking on View Recipes (3) like before.

To change this behaviour, navigate to the Workflow page by clicking the Workflow button (6) in the Recipe Page toolbar.

From this modal you will be able to see the Workflow that’s assigned to the experiment selected in the Recipe page. In order to navigate to the Workflow settings, click on the Edit Workflow button (7) at the bottom left.

And finally, tick or untick the option Show Set/Actual Section (8) to configure if you’d like Actual Values to be displayed in the Experiments using this Workflow.

In Uncountable terms, Set Values are directly associated with the Recipe of an Experiment whereas the Actual Values are associated with slight alterations of a recipe’s quantities which usually happens in practice. Always discuss with your Account Manager or SIM contact to agree on which is the best way to manage data within the platform.

Updated on January 6, 2023

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