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Concentration and % First Formulation

In Uncountable, ingredients are recorded in their basis units (mass, volume, and molarity). However, there are a variety of situations where it is easier to formulate in %s (e.g. w/w) or concentrations (e.g. g/L). Doing this involves (1) setting a basis unit for the desired calculation (% or concentration) (2) specifying a step total in mass, volume, or molarity, and (3) designating a filler ingredient which will fill to the step total. 

Configuring a Manual Step Total

From a configurational standpoint, for a given step in a workflow, you need to enable the “Displayed Step Totals” for which you would like to override (this can be done in the Edit Workflow modal). For a g/L calculation, where you would like to designate a total volume, you would designate volume here. You can designate different step totals for different steps.

Setting the Manual Step Total

Once in a recipe, you can select the step total, and unhide the “Manually Set Total” value. This will enable you to define the desired total amount for a step. 

Using The Manual Step Total in a Calculation

To enable a basis calculator which allows the user to formulate in say g/L, you need to define a denominator which is manually defined. Here the denominator is specified to Use Experiment Total”, which will pull from the mass, volume, or molarity step (or experiment) total defined in the recipe. Selecting the “Use as Basis” makes this calculation selectable as a calculation to formulate in.

Designating a Filler Ingredient

An ingredient is designated as the filler ingredient in a recipe by right clicking the ingredient, selecting its behavior, and selecting “Autofill”. This will designate the selected ingredient as the filler and the ingredient amount will dynamically adjust to match the manually designated step total. 


To force ingredients by default to be added in the desired concentration basis for a workflow step, you can modify the step properties in the Edit Workflow modal. For a given step, select the workflow step, select advanced options, and select the desired calculation to be displayed by default.

Updated on June 4, 2024

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