Creating Output Groups

Output groups are a way to efficiently add measurements and condition parameters to experiments.

Adding Output Groups 

On The Measurement Page

To create an output group via the Enter Measurements page you can do the following:

Pull up the large “Add Measurements” modal by clicking on the “Add Measurements” button on the toolbar…

… or by clicking “+ Add Outputs” and clicking the more button in the output table.

Now, add the measurements and condition parameters you would like to add to an output group, and click the “+ Create New Group”  button.

Alternatively, if the outputs you would like to make a group with have already been added on the Enter Measurements page, you can click on the column header containing the output groups and select the “Create New Group” option from the dropdown. 

After naming the new output group, you can press the green “Create Group” button.

Now this new group could be found in the output groups page (sidebar -> inputs/outputs -> outputs -> groups).

On The Output Group Page

To add and configure an output group via the output group page, first navigate to the output group page via the sidebar (sidebar -> inputs/outputs -> outputs -> groups).

Then, click the blue “+ Add Group” button.

After naming the output group, and pressing the green “Create Group” button, you will be directed to the page of the output group you created. Here you can configure output and condition parameters for this new output group.

Configuring Output Groups

There are multiple ways to customize the appearance and behavior of an output group. 

  1. General Notes – General information about an output group that will be displayed to all users
  2. Material Families – the material families the output group is enabled in 
  3. Change outputs – where you can add and edit outputs and default condition parameters 
  1. Sorting and organizing – where you can change the default output group display settings. 
  1. Default Replicates Count – the default number of replicate measurements created when the output group is used.
  2. Duration for tasks – When this output group is added to a task, this is the default duration that will be used.
  3. Condition Parameter Settings – Where you can assign additional condition parameters to be prompted for or required.
  4. Default Condition for Material Family – where default condition parameter settings can be set for the current material family you are in. This will be applied to all users in the material family.
  5. Default Condition for Current User – where default condition parameter settings can be set for yourself. 
Updated on August 19, 2024

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