Experiment metadata functions as a way to collect and organize supplementary information about experiments that goes beyond process parameters or recipe formulation. This type of data enhances searchability, organization, and analysis across experimental workflows.
For instance, experiment metadata can include details such as:
- Plant location: Identifying where the experiment was conducted.
- Recipe creation date: Documenting when the recipe was created.
Using experiment metadata, you can easily filter and locate experiments based on specific criteria.
Experiment Metadata Field Types
Experiment metadata fields types include:
- Text and Numeric: Free text entries or numeric values for general information.
- Categorical: Dropdown menus with predefined options for consistency.
- Date: Fields for logging critical dates such as creation or production.
- Files: Uploadable fields for attaching relevant downloadable documents.
- Hyperlinks: Direct links to external sources for added context or reference.
Editing Experiment Metadata Fields
On the Edit Experiment Metadata fields page, users can add and edit new and existing metadata fields. To access the Edit Experiment Metadata Fields page from the navigation bar, select Inputs/Outputs → Experiment Metadata.

This page can also be accessed directly from the Enter Recipe or Enter Measurements pages. In the Experiment Metadata section, click “+ Add Metadata”, and then select “Edit Fields”.

Adding Additional Metadata Fields
1. To add additional fields to, click “Add Metadata”.

2. Select from the additional fields from the dropdown or click “Edit Fields” for more options.

3. Select a new metadata field, and from it’s “Settings” dropdown menu, select “Show for Experiments when Blank”.

4. Return to the Enter page.

5. At the bottom of the page, users also have the ability to create new metadata fields by clicking “Add Field” and configuring the new field in the “Add New Field” modal.

Editing Experiment Metadata Field Settings
From the “Edit Experiment Metadata Fields” page, users can also edit the experiment’s metadata fields.
- Use the hamburger icons to rearrange metadata field order.
- Click the lock icon to lock/unlock a field.
- Rename a field by clicking its name.
- Click the “Options” pencil icon to migrate from metadata to ID field.
- Add notes to the metadata field.
- Update its settings (see Metadata Field Setting section below for more information).
- Remove the metadata field by clicking the red “X”.

Metadata Fields Settings
From the Edit Experiment Metadata Fields page, users can enable different settings for metadata fields under the “Settings” header. These include:
- Hide on Inputs: Hides the field on the Enter Recipe page.
- Hide on Outputs: Hides the field on the Enter Measurement page.
- Display on Dashboard List: Shows the field on items on the Dashboard List.
- Hide in Summary: Hides the field in the Compare view.
- Show in Recipe Modals: Shows the field when copying a recipe.
- Inherit from Parent Experiment: Includes the field in child experiments created based on the parent.
- Show for Experiments When Blank: Shows the field even when there is no value.
- Show for Lots When Blank: Makes the field always visible on the ingredient lots table. Enabling this setting for a metadata field also adds it to the “Add Lot” modal when creating a new ingredient lot.
- Make Field Read Only: Disables editing of the field.
- Required for Naming: Field value will be used for generating the recipe name.
- Don’t Copy With Experiment: Prevents carrying over the field when copying the experiment.
- Add on Creation: Automatically adds the field when new experiments are created.