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Enter Recipe Page Layout

Uncountable’s Enter Recipe page now features a File menu, designed to simplify your workflow and enhance your overall user experience. This update is available as a toggle that must be enabled by an admin at the schema level across all Material Families.

Why the File Menu?

The decision to integrate a File menu into the Enter Recipe page was driven by several key considerations:

  1. Organizational Efficiency: The File menu provides a centralized location for managing all Enter Page-related Actions. By structuring tools into File menu tabs by functionality, we have eliminated visual clutter and simplified Enter Page navigation.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: By adopting a more standard interface similar to popular applications like Microsoft Office, we’ve also minimized the learning curve for new users. This cleaner design enhances usability, making it easier to locate and execute specific Actions.

New Interface, Same Features

While the visual interface of Uncountable’s Enter Recipe page has been updated, essential tools and features remain unchanged. Previously accessible through tabs like Primary, Display, Active Experiment, and Other, they are now organized within a File menu. The names used to describe the tools and features also remain the same.

Search for Actions using the search bar, located within the Help tab:

Action Buttons

Action buttons (which are Material-Family specific) allow you to access frequently used functions without navigating through menus. These options are customizable under Help > Configure Actions. Additionally, you can reach out to your Uncountable representative for assistance with modifying these always-visible options.

Further customize your Action buttons by clicking their name in the Configure Actions modal. From here, you can rename, change background color, and change text color for your Action buttons.

For more details on these updates and to explore further enhancements, visit our support site or reach out to your dedicated Uncountable representative to set up a training.

Updated on July 26, 2024

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