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Entering in Results/Measurements

Entering measurement data in Uncountable functions similarly to entering data into a table in excel. You can simply click into a cell in type in a value and navigate across the table to populate all of your data.

There are a few tips that may help make the process easier for you.

Arrow key navigation: you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move from cell to cell

Copy / paste from excel: you can copy and paste from a table in excel directly into Uncountable as long as your columns and rows match up. There are also special paste options in Uncountable for Transpose, Fill Selection, and to Include Notes and Annotations from excel.

Storing replicates: to store replicate values, you can click on the > icon to the right of any output to expand the number of rows available. When you record the replicate values and collapse the rows, Uncountable will automatically display the average and standard deviation.

Other output types: if you have non-numerical output types in your table (for example image or categorical), you can click on the cell to make your selections.

Updated on November 5, 2020

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