
The filter options in Uncountable will allow you to quickly hone in on the subset of data that you’d like to use in many different areas of the platform. Whether you want to search for an experiment that achieves a certain combination of physical properties, plot all recipes that use a specific raw material, or identify all ingredients with a certain molecular weight, filters will help you to efficiently search through your data.

To use a filter, click Add Filter, select a filter type and target, and then define the criteria. As you add more filters, the result set will narrow according to your selections. For example, in the filtering below, you can see that the total number of results go from 508 to 151 to 26 as the filters are added (number of results are displayed to the right of the search bar after “Select All”). 

Filter options

The filter options will vary depending on what information you are viewing but some common examples are explained below.

Experiment Filters

These filters are available from the dashboard and visualization pages. Common filter options include the following items.

  • Experiment Information: items such as experiment name, creator, tag, and custom metadata fields
  • Inputs: ingredients and process parameters
  • Input categories: ingredient and process parameter categories (for example if you wanted to filter by how much total polymer was used)
  • Outputs: all measurements. If your measurement has associated conditions, you’ll have the option to further filter by the specific condition set

Note that you can also save filter searches from the dashboard for future use.

Ingredient Filters

These filters are available from the ingredient library page under the Edit Inputs option in the Inputs / Outputs dropdown in the navigation bar. Common filter options include:

  • Ingredient attributes – such as a raw material property or cost
  • Ingredient category / subcategory
  • Ingredient Lot attributes

In this video, you’ll see how to search and filter through all data in the platform. Data in the system can be manipulated and interrogated by any field, parameter, condition, ingredient, or result that exists, given users instant access to exact search results.

Updated on February 1, 2022

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