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How to work with barcodes + scanners on Uncountable

Uncountable has an inbuilt barcoding system to help users easily search for inventory items or recipes. To learn more about which modules on Uncountable feature a barcode system and typical use cases for barcodes in Uncountable, please see our help page on barcodes here.

Uncountable is compatible with all standard barcode scanners and readers. To scan a barcode using a barcode scanner, click on the barcode icon on the enter recipes page (1) or on the inventory page (2). A search bar will appear (3) and then you can simply use your barcode scanner to scan the barcode. 

You can also use the inbuilt camera on an ipad or tablet to scan barcodes. To do this, click on the barcode symbol like above to bring up the search bar, and then click on the barcode symbol that appears at the end of the search bar. This will bring up a pop up, allowing you to use the camera to scan barcodes.

Using the Barcode Tracker

On Uncountable you can also use the Barcode Tracking module to easily perform actions on the items with an associated barcode. To get to the Barcode Tracking module, go to Lab from the side panel and then Barcode Tracker.

There are a number of available actions which you can do from the Barcode Tracking page. For example, if you would like to decrement or change inventory amount, you can scan the inventory item and then adjust the inventory amount and give a reason for the change in the window that appears. 

If you would like to move the location of the inventory item, simply scan the item and then the inventory location. You can then change where you want the item to be stored in the lab. 

Updated on January 16, 2024

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