Ingredient Lots

Ingredient Lots can be used in Uncountable to track specific batches of a raw material that you receive from a supplier including Lot specific properties / COAs.

You can create and assign Ingredient lots from the lot library in the Inputs/Outputs dropdown in the navigation bar. In the dropdown select Edit Ingredient Lots. 

This will take you to the Ingredient Lot Library.Here you can search the current list or add to it by clicking on +Add Lot. 

In the window, select the Ingredient from the dropdown menu and then add the “Lot Name” in the name field. Once entered, you can click on the Green Add Lot button. You will then be taken to the Edit Ingredient Lot page

You can select an expiration date, the status, or upload a COA. You can also add additional fields to be included in the lot information by clicking on “Edit Lot Information.” In the window click on “add Field button” and select attributes from the dropdown. If an attribute is not listed select “Create New Attribute.” This will allow you to name and select the type of attribute you wish to add. Once completed click the green “Edit Lot Information button” to be returned to the previous screen. 

The Platform also has support for creating and printing barcodes which can be found by clicking on this cog. From here click Go Back to return to your Lot Library.

Updated on November 24, 2020

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