Ingredient lots are used to track specific batches of ingredients from suppliers, along with lot-specific properties and certificates of analysis (COAs).
Creating Ingredient Lots
To create a new ingredient lot, navigate to the Lots page by selecting Inputs/Outputs -> Lots.

From the Lots listing, select “+ Add Lot”.

Within the “Add Lot” modal, choose the ingredient for which you are creating the lot from the dropdown menu.

Name the lot.

Then, users have the option to use one of two tabs:
- New Lot Details: Typically used when creating a lot that does not directly correspond to a specific recipe but rather represents a batch of ingredients. When entering new lot details, you will be prompted to fill in optional fields, such as:
- COA File: Upload a file for the Certificate of Analysis (COA).
- Cost: Enter the cost associated.
- Customer Label: Upload a file for the customer label.
- Expiration Date: Specify the expiration date of the lot.
- Purity: Enter the purity level of the material.
- SDS File: Upload a file for the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
- Status: Mark the lot as either “Active” or “Not active”.

- Use as Recipe Lot: Simplifies lot creation by linking the new lot directly to an existing recipe. The recipe details will automatically populate the lot information. To use a recipe for lot creation, search through the listing and select the one recipe to be used as the lot.

Click “Add Lot” to save. This will bring you to the Ingredient Lot page. From here, you can view and edit Experiment metadata. At the top of the page, the number of recipes using this lot are also displayed.

Creating Lots from the Ingredient Details Page
An ingredient details page displays all information stored on an ingredient, including lots. To access this page, navigate to Inputs/Outputs > Inputs > Ingredients. Then, find the ingredient in the listing and select it.

To create a new ingredient lot from the ingredient details page:
- Under the “Lots” section, click “+ Add Lot” (1) to create a new lot of that ingredient.
- To set a default lot for the ingredient, select from the “Default Lot” dropdown (2).
For more information on lot workflows, refer to the Setting Default Workflows for Lots.

Creating Lots from the Enter Recipe Page
Ingredient lots can also be created directly from a recipe. First, ensure that the Lot column is visible (1). Then, click on the empty lot cell for the ingredient you want to create a new lot for (2) and select “New Ingredient Lot”.

Configure lot details or select a recipe to use as lot. Then click “Add Lot”.

Editing Experiment Metadata on a Lot
From the Ingredient Lot page, users can add additional metadata fields and configure overall metadata field settings. To do so, navigate to the Editing Experiment Metadata page by clicking “+ Add Metadata Data” and selecting “Edit Metadata Fields” from the dropdown menu.

To view the lot’s labels and barcodes, navigate to the Enter Measurement page’s Action tab and select “Labels”.

Adding Experiment Metadata to a Lot
To add additional fields to a lot, click “Add Metadata”.

Select from the additional fields from the dropdown or click “Edit Fields” for more options.

This navigates you to the Edit Experiment Metadata Fields page. Select a new metadata field, and from it’s “Settings” dropdown menu, select “Show for Lots When Blank”. For more information on this page, refer to Experiment Metadata.

At the bottom of the page, users also have the ability to create new metadata fields by clicking “Add Field” and configuring the new field in the “Add New Field” modal.

Once you’ve configure the metadata field’s settings, return to the Ingredient Lots page.