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Lab Request Page

The Lab Request page contains a searchable queue of all lab requests (drafted and submitted) across experiments. For ease-of-use, there are shortcuts to several common filters at the top of the screen, sorted by the origin and status of the request. These shortcuts include My Requests, Watching, and This Material Family as well as Draft, Requested, In Progress, Completed, and Approved. Users can also sort the lab requests depending on whether they were a R&D request or a Sales request.

Users are also able to filter which lab requests appear by manually clicking on the arrow to the left of “Filters.” Doing so will reveal several drop down menus in which a user can specify which parameters they want to sort the lab requests by. To add a new filter, simply click on the Add Filter button, and a new field will appear in which a user can select their desired filter.

Users can also customize the columns displaying information about the lab reports by clicking on the Set Columns button. A modal dialog box will appear allowing users to eliminate columns by clicking on the blue x, reorder columns by dragging the order, or search for new columns to add to the table. The Export button allows users to export the contents of the table into an Excel document for ease of use in a lab environment where a laptop may not be allowed.

Updated on August 16, 2024

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