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Locking, Exporting, and Sharing Reports

The Uncountable platform offers several ways to manage access to your reports by locking, exporting, and sharing them with colleagues. Once you have successfully drafted your report and inputted your desired data, models, and files, you are ready to lock and share it with your co-workers. 


After you have completed a report, you can lock it such that no one else can edit the report by clicking on the lock icon at the top of the report page (1). A dialog box will appear with several options: Lock Report, Lock and Sign Report, and Request PIN. The basic Lock Report option lets you to lock the report, barring it from being edited by any other user. Your final report will appear in an uneditable form. By clicking on the lock button again, only you will be able to unlock the report to make further changes, or export your report to a local. 

To finalize your report and sign it, you will first need to request a unique PIN which will be sent to the email account associated with your Uncountable profile. Once you click the Request PIN button and retrieve the code from your inbox, you will be able to proceed and sign the report (you only have to do this step once). The dialog box will prompt you to sign your name and input your PIN to finalize the report. Click on the green sign button to submit your signed report.


There are several ways in which you can export your report. As previously mentioned, you can export a locked report, but you are also able to export an unlocked report by clicking on the export button on the lefthand side of the screen (2). A dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to modify the format in which the report is downloaded: to PowerPoint, to Word, or just the attachments.


If you want to share your report with colleagues, you can click on the share arrow next to the export button on the lefthand side of the screen (2). Once clicked, a dialog box will appear with two options. You can either share your report directly with users within your lab using the dropdown menu (all registered users within your lab will autopopulate) or you can copy a uniquely generated link which will direct anyone to your project report.

Updated on May 17, 2021

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