Material Families

Uncountable Structure and Material Families

The structure of the Uncountable platform is based around the idea that projects are associated with material families

In Uncountable, a material family is used to provide a distinction between different types of materials/chemistries developed within an organization. For example, R&D might have one group that develops rubber-based products, and another group that develops epoxy-based products. The experiments may use different ingredients, process parameters, and measurements, and learnings usually won’t translate between projects in one material family to another. This would be a common use case of a material family. 

You can navigate between material families by clicking on the project name in the top right corner of the page, and then selecting the “Change Project” option. 

From there, you can change material families in the top drop down. The list of projects in that material family will appear down below. 

Material families all have their own set of ingredients, process parameters, and measurements that can be added to any experiment in that material family. However, an ingredient used in one material family can be connected to the same ingredient used in another material family, such that ingredient codes and attributes are maintained across different teams. Furthermore, reports and lab requests can be viewed across material families. 

Adding a new material family

To create a new material family, click on the Cog Wheel button in the top right corner, and then “Company-Wide Settings”. 

From there, a user can select the “New Material Family” tab on the left, and then add a new material family or edit the name of an existing family. 

NB. Creating a new material family requires “Admin” status in the platform. 

Updated on November 3, 2020

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