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Importing and Copying Experiments Between Projects


If you find yourself wanting to move one or multiple experiments to a different project, you can either create a copy or import the experiments. Copy will generate a new experiment and you can select which details you’d like to copy to your new experiment while Import will move the experiment to the other project.

To perform either function, you will start by selecting one or more experiments from the dashboard (Object 1) and then selecting the Actions button (Object 2). From there you can select either Copy to Other Projects or Import to Other Projects.

Copy to Other Project

If you select Copy to Other Projects, a modal will pop up allowing you to select where you’d like to place the copied experiments (Put Copy into Project) and then select which elements you’d like to bring over while performing the action (details for each item described below). 

  • Copy Test Samples: Will copy test samples associated with selected experiment(s)
  • Copy Inputs Without Values: Will copy the ingredients and process parameters with no values assigned to them
  • Copy Process Parameters: Will copy process parameters in addition to ingredients
  • Copy Comments: Will copy any comments present
  • Copy Measurements: Will copy the outputs
  • Copy Measurements Without Values: Will copy the outputs but not include any values
  • Copy Notes: Will copy experiment notes
  • Expand Component Recipes: If an intermediate is present in the experiment that is being copied, it will split out the individual ingredient components
  • Show Recipes After Import: Will take you to the edit recipes page for the experiments that are copied
  • Copy Original Tags: Will copy the tags from selected experiments

Import to Other Project

If you select Import to Other Project, you can select which project you would like to import the selected experiments to. If the Remove from box is selected, it will add the experiments to the selected project and remove them from the current project (effectively “moving” them). If Remove from is not selected, it will add the experiments to the selected project and leave them in the current project, creating a linked experiment (in this case, changes made to the experiment in one project will also be reflected in the other project).

Updated on January 10, 2023

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