Output Calculations

Output calculations are used in Uncountable to derive values that are calculated from other values already present in the system. Today you may be doing with an excel formula / template but the process can also be automated within Uncountable. A common example of an output calculation might be a percent change after aging.

To create an output calculation, you can create a new measurement and denote the measurement type as Calculation, and then begin defining the calculation.

To build the calculation, first define the entities to use within the calculation (you can think about this like the variables of the calculation). The variables can be other outputs, inputs, or calculations.

Once the variables are defined, you can create an equation that uses the variables. If you have more complex condition settings that need to be incorporated into the equation, please reach out to your Uncountable Account Manager for assistance.

Within your experiment, when you have recorded data for all necessary variables, the calculation will propagate. 

Updated on November 5, 2020

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