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Paired Output for Annotation Display

The Paired Output for Annotation Display feature allows Uncountable users to pair an output with an associated calculation, displaying these calculations as annotations directly within the output’s cell. This function aims to condense the measurements view, making data representation more streamlined and intuitive.

The most notable use case for this feature is handling uncertainty calculations. By treating the uncertainty output as an integral part of the system, users can leverage the full power of output calculations while maintaining a clean and organized data grid.

This article will guide you through setting up and utilizing the Paired Output for Annotation Display, ensuring you can take full advantage of this powerful tool to improve your data management processes.

Setting Up a Paired Output for Annotation Display

To set up a paired output, you will need to create two new outputs.

Create the first new output by navigating to the Outputs page (Inputs/ Outputs > Outputs) and clicking the blue “+ Add Output” button.

Name, assign a “Numeric” type, and define the appropriate units for the first output.

Create a second output by clicking the “+ Add Output” button again. Name (i.e. “Output Test Uncertainty”), and this time assign it a “Calculation” output type.

Next, you will define the calculation by clicking the “Define Calculation” button.

In this modal, you will select your first new output as an output calculation component. Select “Output” as the component type before finding your new output in the second dropdown menu. Name the variable before clicking “Submit”. 

From here, you have the option to add additional variables by clicking the “+ Add Entity” button. Once all necessary variables have been added, you may then define the calculation by manually entering an equation in the textbox below. Available variables are listed below the box.

In this example, the “Output Test Uncertainty” calculation will be twice the value of the “Output Test” output. Therefore, the equation entered is “2 * Output_Test”.

Once the equation has been defined, click “Submit”, and then click “Create Output”.

The next step is to pair the output for annotation display. To do so, find the new calculation from the output listing and click on it, opening its settings page.

From here, expand the advanced settings by clicking “+” next to the name. Now you can pair the calculation to an output by selecting it from the “Paired Output for Annotation Display” dropdown menu.

Using a Paired Output for Annotation Display

Once you have assigned an output, this calculation will be paired with that output wherever it appears on the Enter pages within the Uncountable platform.

For example, if you were to add the output from an experiment’s “Enter Measurement” page, the paired calculation will also appear within the same output cell.

Now, when you add assign a value to the output, the paired output will have also have value, calculated based on the equation previously entered.

In this example, the “Output Test Uncertainty” equation was “2 * Output_Test”. Therefore, when the Output Test is assigned a value of 10, the uncertainty value is automatically calculated to be 20.

The Paired Output for Annotation Display feature simplifies data representation within the Uncountable platform by pairing outputs with calculations as annotations. Initially introduced to aid with uncertainty calculations, the tool may be used in additional contexts, such as:

  1. Quality Metrics: Displaying quality scores or ratings alongside primary measurements.
  2. Conversion Factors: Showing converted units next to the original data.
  3. Statistical Values: Annotating outputs with statistical values like standard deviations, means, or medians.
Updated on July 11, 2024

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