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Project Permissions

In Uncountable, project permissions are configured on multiple levels. Project permissions are first dependent on user group permissions, which define the a user’s foundational level of access.

User Group Permissions

User group permissions are material family-specific and determine a user’s access to inputs, outputs, and experiments within those families.

Project permissions depend first on your user group, configured on the User Administration page.

  • Outputs
    • Write: Can view and edit measurements
    • Read: Can only view measurement, but cannot edit them.
  • Inputs
    • Write: Can view and edit inputs.
    • Read: Can only view inputs, cannot edit them.
    • None: Can neither view nor edit inputs.
  • Experiments
    • None: No access to experiments.
    • Read (Outputs Only): Can view experiment measurements, cannot view inputs.
    • Read: Can view experiment measurements and inputs, but cannot edit them.
    • Write (Outputs Only): Can view and edit experiment measurements, cannot view or edit inputs.
    • Write Outputs, Read Inputs: Can view experiment measurements and inputs, but can only edit measurements.
    • Write: Can view and edit both measurements and inputs.

By default, users have Create permissions, which allow them to view, edit, and create new inputs, outputs, and experiments. For more information about user group permissions, refer to the Data Access and Permissions (User Administration) article.

Project Permissions

The key concept to understand about permissions is that they are additive, meaning that from the this foundational user group access level, additional permissions can be granted but cannot be carved out.

For example, if a user has “Read” access at the user group level, they can still be given “Write” access for specific projects. However, if a user has “Write” access at the user group level, they cannot be limited to “Read Only” in a specific project. “Write” access will apply to all projects under that user group.

Setting Project Permissions

1. Access the Project Permissions page

First verify that you are working in the correct project. The current project is displayed in the lower left corner of your screen (”Hannah Test”). Then, click your name and select “Project Permissions” to access to Project Permissions page.

The Project Permission page contains three pages: Permissions (Listing), Permissions (User), and Permissions (User Groups). Permissions (Listing) displays all users and user groups with permissions on this project, as well as their specific permission type.

2. Grant individual user permissions

Permissions can be granted to individual users from the Permissions (Listing) page or the Permissions (User) page.

To grant individual user permissions, select from individual from the “Add User Permissions” dropdown. Then, set their access level in the “Permissions” dropdown. If you want also grant the ability to add new experiments to the project, select the “Add Experiments” checkbox. Then, click “Add”.

Note: Individual user permissions can also be revoked by clicking the red trash icon.

3. Grant user group permissions

Permissions can be granted to entire user groups from the Permissions (Listing) page or the Permissions (User Group) page.

To grant user group permissions, select from group from the “Add User Group Permissions” dropdown. Then, set their access level in the “Permissions” dropdown. If you want also grant the ability to add new experiments to the project, select the “Add Experiments” checkbox. Then, click “Add”.

Child Project Permissions

In Uncountable, child projects inherit permissions from the parent project at the time they are created. This means that all users with access to the parent project automatically have the same level of access to the new child project.

However, once the child project is created, any changes made to the parent project’s permissions do not carry over to the child project. This allows project leads to customize access independently for each project, ensuring flexible control over who can view or edit specific projects.

Creating new child projects also requires a specific level of access (Write or Read). Like project lead, this access level is also set within the Edit Project Information modal.

Project Leads

The project lead has control over project permissions and can manage who has access and edit project data. Project lead defaults to the user who initially creates the project. However, ownership can be transferred to any user with “Write” access.

To change a project’s lead:

1. Access Project Information

Navigate to Edit Project Information modal. This can be done from the Material Family page or from the Project Dashboard. From the Material Family page, click the cog icon associated with your project and select “Edit Project”.

From the Project Dashboard, click the cog icon in the top right corner of the page.

2. Select a new Project Lead

From the Edit Project Information modal, select a new lead from the Project Lead from the dropdown menu, which displays all users with “Write” access on that project. After making your selection, click “Submit Changes”.

Updated on September 19, 2024

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