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Project Reports vs. Project Notebook

Within the Uncountable interface, there are two main places where you can save visualizations, files, recipes, and any other data relevant to your project: the Project Notebook and project reports.

For each project, there is only a single Project Notebook which is automatically created when you create a new project. However, the Project Notebook will remain empty until you actively populate it with data. For some customers, the Project Notebook will appear as a location to save visualizations from the Explore Data page, experiment comparisons or upload any related files. Auto-generated with every Project Notebook are fields for Project Planning, including background on the project, involved stakeholders, and timelines.

In contrast, you can create multiple project reports within a single project. A project report can contain the same kinds of data/files/extra as the Project Notebook, but is curated by the user to reflect their specific needs.

Updated on May 17, 2021

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