Project Structure

Projects in Uncountable 

In Uncountable, material families are composed of projects. Projects are versatile objects in Uncountable, but users can think of them as containers. Usually, projects are associated closely with development projects within an R&D organization, where the experiments in a project are all related towards a singular purpose.  However, a hierarchical structure can be imposed on projects to enable more complex structures, like dividing up regional sites or having production trials in one parent project and development projects in another. 

At any time while in the platform, in the top right corner, the name of the project will be displayed in a white box. If you would like to view all projects,  clicking the project name and then “Change Project” will bring you to the all project view. 

Project List View

You will then see a full list of projects available in that material family. Each project will have a project name and project owner listed, as seen in object 1 below. Clicking on a project name will take you to that project’s dashboard view. If you ever want to view data or experiments from multiple projects at once, you can click on the “All Projects” option (Object 5, image below), where you will be taken to a dashboard view with all experiments from every project listed. 

When a dropdown arrow is present to the left of a project name, that indicates the presence of a “Child Project” (Object 2). A project can have unlimited Child Projects, and a Child Project can have it’s own Child Project. Any experiment that sits in a Child Project will automatically be displayed in the parent project, but not the inverse. If I want to create a new child project, clicking on Object 3 below, the gear icon, will give you an option to create a new child project. If you would like to set a new parent project, you can also set that via the same gear icon. 

To create a new project, you can click the green button (object 4) in the top right corner. You will be prompted for a project name, and will specify whether you want to formulate in parts or percentages, and if this is a specific project template you would like to follow. Project Templates can be set up to show standard experiment structures that are beyond a single step formula, such as a 2-part formula or a complex multi-step process. Contact your account manager to get a Project Template set up. You will also be able to add any Calculations to the project for display in all experiments. Calculations could be something like the formula cost, or more advanced stoichiometric ratios.

Please note that this new project modal can be customized such that certain fields can always be present, such as a project number, a business line, or other information. 

Searching/Filter Projects

From the project list view, you can search for a specific project a couple of ways. 1st, you can type into the search bar in Object 1. Or, on the right hand side of the page, there is an option to filter down to just projects where you are the owner (Object 2). 

Further filtering is available through Object 3 – such as by Project tag or by the number of experiments in the project. 

Finally, if you wish to have certain projects always appear at the top of the project list, there is a small thumbtack icon (Object 4) that will post lock a project to the top of the list, just under All Projects

Updated on May 10, 2023

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