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  2. Lab Management
  3. Runsheets & Lab Requests

Runsheets & Lab Requests

After creating a recipe in Uncountable, you can export the recipe details to a runsheet in a format like pdf or excel or generate a lab request within Uncountable to notify a technician of the new testing request. In both cases, Uncountable provides generic formats by default that are customizable based on your needs.

Runsheet Exports

To export a recipe or set of recipes, select export and choose your desired format. 

Examples of the default export formats are included below.

Lab Request

Selecting the Lab Request option will open a ticket within Uncountable. The fields in the following form allow you to specify things like who will be the “lead” for running the testing, desired end date, batch size, and the measurements that you would like recorded. If your organization has a custom form, you will likely see an array of other options and fields to fill in. Please refer to the Lab Request article to learn more about the capabilities (Article: Lab Request <link>).

Updated on May 23, 2021

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