Saving Plots

Once you have created a visualization, you can save it to analyze at a later time, include in your Project Notebook, or export it to a PowerPoint presentation. 

After you have entered your results, you can use a variety of data visualization tools in the platform to understand trends instantly. From the Explore Data page, you will be able to plot virtually any field, output, or process parameter in the platform for any given experiment. For example, you can easily visualize the impact that any ingredient has on tensile strength and. See the Explore Data support guide for step-by-step instructions on creating visualizations.

To save your plot to a report to your Project Notebook or Reports, click on the blue floppy disk icon (💾) in the middle of the screen and select Save Visualization. Previously saved templates are also accessible by clicking on the blue floppy disk icon and selecting View Plot Templates. 

A modal window will appear, prompting you with several options on where to save your plot. The Save Name bar (1) will allow you to adjust the title of your plot which will be featured in your final report. To overwrite a previously-existing plot, select the older version from the Overwrite Existing Save dropdown menu (2). From the Locations To Include Save dropdown menu (3), select the Project Notebook option or the specific report that you want your plot to appear in. From this model, you can also generate a new report by clicking on the blue +New Report button (4). If there are any specific comments you want to save alongside the plot, press on the notes button (5) to expand a text box in which you can type in any desired notes. Finally, if you want to use the plot as a template across your material family, check the Save Template box (6). 

From the template page, you can share, export, or further edit a template by clicking on the relevant menu on the lefthand side of the page (1).

Updated on April 12, 2021

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