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Sidepanel notebooks

The Sidepanel Notebook is a practical way of making notes related to one or more experiments directly in the recipes or measurements page. You can use the sidepanel notebook to write text notes about your experiment, write a protocol or instructions in template experiments, attach files, and also save various information generated within Uncountable (such as visualizations, comparisons, pictures, chemical structures).  

To create a sidepanel notebook, click on the notebook icon which is located next to the comments and notes section on the recipes or measurements page in your experiment.

You can create a sidepanel notebook for a single experiment, or for multiple experiments if they are in view (i.e. if you have them open in parallel). Adjust the experiments that are connected to the notebook by selecting them in the “Experiments” field. Choose an existing template for your sidepanel notebook on the “Template” field. Then click on “Create Notebook”.

Add text (A), drag and drop files (B) and more to your sidepanel notebook, as you would in a regular notebook . Click on the cogwheel (C) to edit the text, create headings, add comments, etc. By going to the full notebook view when clicking on “Go to Notebook” (D), more editing options are available.

Sidepanel notebooks become available in the Notebooks page, which you can access either from the Dashboard (E) or from the “Notebooks” icon in the left menu (F). 

Updated on August 25, 2023

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