Step Attributes

In R&D, especially in complex synthesis and process workflows, precise control and documentation of each step are crucial for success and reproducibility. Uncountable’s Step Attributes feature is designed to address this need by allowing users to record notes or log the specific parameters used during each step of a process.

What Are Step Attributes?

Step Attributes are parameters or notes recorded in columns on the Enter Recipe page for Mix Order recipes. Parameters refer to specific measurements or settings used during each step of the process (weight %, temperature, time, RPM, PSI, etc). Notes can include things like observations about the consistency of a mixture, any deviations from the expected procedure, or any issues encountered. 

Recording these details directly within the step documentation ensures that all necessary data is captured accurately and is readily accessible for review and analysis. This approach not only guarantees the precise replication of processes but also simplifies the management of complex workflows, making it easier to track and adjust individual steps as needed.

Step Attributes Example

To illustrate the application of Step Attributes, consider this simple mix step example.

This procedure includes various steps, each with specific attributes (weight percent, temperature, and time). In order to clearly define each step of this process on the Enter Recipe page, Uncountable users can utilize the Step Attributes tool.

How to Use Step Attributes in Uncountable

  1. Define your step fields.

Platform users also have the ability to customize or add new fields from the Form Admin page. To add new step fields, navigate to the Form Admin. Under the Definitions tab, search “Recipe Step”. From the recipe step definition, select the group field, and expand the Fields tab. Here, you have the option to create a new field or add an existing one. 

  1. Add step attributes to your recipe.

From the Enter Recipe page, add step attributes by clicking “Step Attributes” at the top of the page. From this modal, select desired attributes from the dropdown menu and submit.

Note: Step Attributes can only be added to recipes that have Mix Order enabled. For more information, refer to the Mix Order article.

  1. Assign step attribute values.

Once step attributes have been added to your recipe, you can now assign values directly into the cells for each mix step. For example, you may record that for Step 1, you had set weight percent to 20 and temperature to 120°C for 30 minutes.

By following these steps, Uncountable’s Step Attributes feature allows for precise documentation of parameters and notes for each process step, ensuring thorough data capture and facilitating reproducibility in R&D workflows.

Updated on July 11, 2024

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