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  2. Storing Image Outputs

Storing Image Outputs

Image outputs in Uncountable have a few special features to enable storing pictures in Uncountable. To learn more about creating an image output, please refer to the following article: Creating New Outputs.

The types of image files that can be stored are png, gif, jpg, tiff, and bmp. Please contact your account manager if you have requests for supporting other image types.

To upload an image output, first you’ll need to add the output to your measurement table and then select “Image Uploader” in the corresponding cell.

From there, you can either upload an image file, or copy and paste an image. Note that copy and paste is only supported in some browsers (such as Chrome and Firefox) and requires using the keyboard shortcut control+v to paste.

Once the image has been added to the uploader modal, you can choose to crop part of the image by clicking and dragging over the image and select the specific experiment to upload to. For example, if you have a picture with multiple samples on it, you can crop individual sections of the image and assign them to specific experiments.

Once you have stored images as outputs, you can use the compare images page to create a tabular comparison of the images from across your samples. <link compare images>

Updated on December 1, 2020

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