Table Builder

Uncountable’s Table Builder feature enables users to create highly customizable data tables, offering greater control over the information displayed compared to the traditional Compare Table. This guide will help you get started and explore the various features of the Table Builder.

To begin using the Table Builder:

  1. Navigate to a Notebook: Open a notebook within Uncountable.
  2. Add a Table Builder: Click the “+” button and select “Table Builder” from the list.

This action adds a new row to your notebook, where you can click the “Edit” button to start building your table.

Adding Recipes

The Table Builder consists of several sections: Recipes, Header Columns, and Rows.

Under Recipes, select the recipes you want to include in your table using the dropdown menu. You can also transpose the table, by checking the “Transpose Table” box.

Adding Header Columns

Under Header Columns, users can select which columns will appear in your table. By default, the Name Column is pre-loaded. Add additional columns by clicking “+ Add” and selecting Ingredient Attribute Columns, Condition Parameter Columns, or Spec Columns from the dropdown list.

  • When adding a Condition Parameter column, choose the condition parameter(s) from the dropdown list. Selecting “Skip When Blank” will instruct the Table Builder not to include this column when there are no condition parameters. In the example below, Test Temperature is added as a column to the Table Builder.
  • When adding an Ingredient Attribute column, choose the attribute(s) from the dropdown list and click “Save”. In the example below, molecular weight is added as an ingredient attribute to the Table Builder.
  • When adding a Spec column, users can choose between project specs or specific specs for individual recipes. When toggled on, the Filter Output Rows to Spec option will display only rows which have a spec set on them. You also have the option to add spec cell highlighting, making it easier to distinguish whether or not a recipe passes or fails the spec. 

Adding Rows

Next, add rows to your table by clicking “+ Add” and selecting from the dropdown menu. Users can add rows for fields such as ingredients, calculations, outputs, metadata, and recipe notes. 

  • To add Ingredient rows, select either “All Ingredient Rows” or “Ingredient Rows”. Selecting “All Ingredient Rows” automatically includes all ingredients from the Enter Recipe page. Selecting “Ingredient Rows” allows you to manually select individual ingredients to include.
  • To add Output rows, select either “All Output Rows” or “Output Rows”. Similarly, “All Output Rows” automatically includes all outputs from the Enter Measurements page and “Output Rows” requires you to manually select outputs to add.


Uncountable users also have the ability to customize the Table Builder by formatting numbers, text, and cells. To do so, first toggle on “Formatting” from the Edit Table Builder page. Then, click “+ Add” and select from the dropdown menu.

  • When adding text formatting, users have the option to bold and change text color and font size. Selecting “Expand Text to Fit”, “Cut Off Text”, or “Wrap Text” determines how text is formatted within cells.
    • Expand Text to Fit: Expands cells to accommodate all text/numbers.
    • Cut Off Text: Shortens cells to a standardized size, cutting off additional text/numbers.
    • Wrap Text: Maintains a consistent cell width, wrapping additional text below.
  • When adding number formatting, users can customize rounding type and settings. Selecting “No Rounding”, “Decimal Rounding”, or “Significant Figure Rounding” determine whether and how numeric values are treated.
    • No Rounding: Displays values how they are entered on the Recipe page without rounding.
    • Decimal Rounding: Rounds all values to a selected number of decimal places, with the option to display trailing zeros.
    • Significant Figure Rounding: Rounds all values to a selected number of significant figures.

In the example below, number formatting was added to the Table Builder, specifying zero decimal places.

  • When adding cell formatting, users have the option to add a background color to Table Builder cells. In the example below, a yellow background color was added.

As you make formatting adjustments, your table will dynamically adjust to reflect these changes. Once you are satisfied with the table, click the “Save” button at the bottom right of the window. 

After the Table Builder has been added to your notebook, users can make additional changes, such as changing font size, bolding text, or adjusting column/row width, by clicking “Translate to Custom Table”. 

Additionally, clicking the gear icon associated with the table opens a dropdown menu, from which you can access Table Builder settings, refresh data, comment, edit the title, move or delete cells, and export the table, etc.

Saving and Loading Configurations

To save the Table Builder configuration to the Notebook, click Save/Load > Save > Save to Notebook. Uncountable users can also save and load configurations as templates for later use.

  • To save the configuration, click Save/Load > Save > Save as. Then, enter a name and click Save. 

Then, if you were to remove formatting, rows, columns, or otherwise edit the table, you can easily access it again by loading your saved configuration.

  • To load the configuration, click Save/Load and select your saved configuration from the dropdown list, then click Load. To include the recipes previously saved in the configuration, choose “Load with saved recipes”. To replace the saved configuration’s recipes with the current ones, select “Load with current recipes”.
Updated on August 3, 2024

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