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  3. <strong>Toolbar on Enter Recipe Page</strong>
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  3. <strong>Toolbar on Enter Recipe Page</strong>

Toolbar on Enter Recipe Page

There are 4 existing tabs on the Enter Recipe toolbar:

–   Primary: Most used and necessary functions

–   Active experiment: Features for editing the recipe

–   Display: Make additional data visible on the recipe page

–   … (Others): Rarely or custom options

Some buttons are accessible multiple times on several or all tabs, to find necessary functions straight away. If you want the toolbar to be modified and customized, please contact a dedicated Account manager of Uncountable.

Primary Tab:

1. Edit Recipes: Define your recipe, which ingredients you need to add and process parameters to apply. On this page you are also able to define an experiment workflow, add column calculations for your ingredients (Example: conversion between g to mL or mol, % based calculation).

2. Edit Measurements: Switch from Recipe view to the Enter Measurements view. There you will be able to record all the measurements/test results with condition parameters.

3. Compare: Compare the recipes together with measurements/test results. On the compare page you can also hide the rows you don’t need and have a compact view of the total recipe.

4. Bar chart: Visualization page with a filter to the experiments which are selected in the view. Example: only Test Experiment 1 will be in the visualization view. This function helps you to save your time on adding filters for the experiments you want to analyze.

5. + Request: Create and send a lab request to technicians once you finish creating a formulation without switching to another page.

6. Calculations: Add earlier configured input calculations as a column calculation next to your recipes. As an example, if you create a recipe in parts and you want to see the % of each ingredient then you add % calculation through this button.

7. + Lots: Two options, show lots and show lots for all recipes. You can either add a “lot” column to choose a lot number for the ingredients used in the selected recipe/experiment/formulation or to add Lot columns to ALL recipes in the view.

8. Label: Download pre-configured labels (please contact your dedicated Account manager from Uncountable to configure customized labels) from the selection.

9. Organization: Several options to organize your recipe page with a few clicks. (1) Clear blank ingredients/parameters: in case you added the ingredients or process parameters which you later decided not to use. You can delete these cells by using this option instead of deleting empty rows one-by-one. (2) Sorting and organization options helps you to sort ingredients and process parameters in the order you prefer. By default, all the ingredients are presented in the alphabetical order. If you change the order here it will be changed in the recipe or in the whole project (3) Reorder steps let you change the order of the workflow steps individually for the selected recipe/recipes.

10.  Add to experiments group: Group experiments together, which will be visible on the Dashboard view (Experiments listing view). Grouping experiments could be used for combining similar experiments into one “unit” without creating a separate project.

11.  Export: Download all recipes in the view in Excel format. If you want to have a customized format, please contact your dedicated Account manager from Uncountable.

12.  Workflow: Check or edit the workflow of selected recipes.

13.  Related experiments: If you use experiments (Example: polymer recipe) as components of a new experiment (Example: using Polymer in Adhesive) you can see the relations among all recipes in the view.

14.  Lock: By locking the selected experiment you are making this recipe not editable for other users and yourself.

15.  Copy Experiment: Copy a selected experiment with all the ingredient and process parameters and it will appear next to the selected experiment.

16.  Delete: To delete experiments, you need to click this button and type Delete in the pop-up window.

17.  Use in New experiment: Add selected experiment to the new Experiment as a component (Example: Polymer as a selected experiment to the Adhesive as a new one)

18.  Get COA (Certificate of analysis): Download a word format with test results and specs.

Active Experiment Tab:

19.  Input Value Matrix: Create several experiments based on the ingredient combinations. Select the necessary ingredients and their amounts and experiments will be auto generated.

20.  Add to other project: Add all selected experiments to another project folder straight from the recipe page. It does not create a copy but adds all experiments into the second location. If the experiments are changed in one project, it will change in another one automatically.

21.  Import into experiment: Instead of creating a new experiment from scratch you can import another already created experiment(s) even with the workflow.

22.  Decrement Inventory: Change the Inventory amount of the ingredients straight away from the recipe page once ingredients with values are added into the recipe. You can also use the barcode system to identify lots and inventory locations automatically.

23.  Share: Share your experiments with colleagues by adding Users or a group of users. You can also set up a permission option here (Example: Read only, Write Inputs).

24.  Audit log: View the history of all user’s actions. In case several users are working on the experiment it’s a good way to check what changes are done. You are also able to add an Audit log as a side panel.

25.  Chain of custody: create and sign a chronological documentation on your recipe

Display Tab:

26.  Ruler: Unit conversion, rounding & formatting options are presented here. You can set up unit conversion rules by yourself.

27.  Attributes: Select the attributes which you would like to see as a column next to the ingredients added to the recipe.

28.  Lot Metadata: If a lot is selected next to the added to the recipe ingredient you can add lot information (Example: Supplier, Price) as a column.

29.  Constraints: if you set up constraints for the ingredients amounts to be used in the recipe you can add a column with constraints to control the amounts.

30.  Calculations: Add earlier configured input calculations as a column next to your recipes.

31.  Experiment Metadata: Show experiment information (Example: Creation date) on the top of the recipe.

32.  Expanded Ingredients: View an ingredients list with actual amounts used in the recipe.

33.  Categories: View an ingredient category as a column on the left side of the ingredients (Example: Polymer (category), Polymer 1,2,3 (Ingredients)).

34.  Step controls: If a mix order workflow is used, this function helps to reorder individual steps like ingredients, process parameters inside one mix step.

35.  Predictions: If you have access to the advanced Uncountable features (the Design tool), you can add a prediction field underneath selected recipes. You will need to choose one of the earlier created models.

36.  Show cell emphasis: When you have several recipes in the view with a few varying components this button will default bold the components that change. It’s helpful to easily see which components have an impact on a recipe.

37.  Set baseline recipe: Compare the selected recipes to the one which is chosen as a baseline recipe. All the values which differ from the baseline recipe will be displayed in bold.

“…” Other functions tab:

38.  Actual values: View actual values for the ingredients or process parameters used in the production for the selected recipe. These values will be added on the right side as a column next to the theoretical values.

39.  Experiment Workflow: Edit a workflow directly from the side bar on the right side.

40.  Show Notebook Side Panel: Add a notebook as a sidebar if you need to add notes on the recipe without switching pages.

41.  % Scale Recipe: Allows you to scale the selected recipe quickly on the same/a different quantity basis. E.g. scale down/up the entire recipe by 50% or 200%

42.  Project constraints highlighting: Ingredient values will be automatically highlighted in green or red according to the constraint set related to this project.

43.  Select Input Rows: Remove several inputs (ingredients, process parameters) use the checkboxes which appear next to the inputs. You can also create input calculations based on the selected inputs.

44.  Show Recipe Audit Log Side Panel: Add an Audit log with the history of the changes on the right side of the recipe.

45.  Search bar: Available on all tabs. If you know the name of the button you can quickly find it by using the search action.

46.  Star: Create your own customized tab with those buttons which are used the most.

Updated on January 6, 2023

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