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  3. <strong>Uncountable Terminology Override </strong>

Uncountable Terminology Override 

We recognize that many companies—and sometimes specific teams within companies—use different terminologies than ours. For example, what Uncountable refers to as an “ingredient” may be referred to as a “raw material” at Company A, or “material” at Company B. These terminology differences may extend to other entities as well: projects, recipes, tests, and more (for reference, here is an article that defines all of the native terminology in the platform). To help our customers integrate Uncountable into their existing workflows, we provide the option to override these terms in the platform. This change can be made at the account level or at the individual user level.

To adjust these terms, users can go to their User Settings using the gear icon in the bottom left of the page. 

From there, users should head to the “Language Settings”. In the image below, the column listed as “Account Override” will only be editable by Admins of the system (object 2 below). However every user can edit the “User Override” column (object 3 below). Users can simply enter the terms they prefer into each cell (including the singular and plural options), and then, upon refresh, the terms will be adjusted throughout the platform accordingly. 

If there are other terms the Uncountable platform uses that are not present in this term override option, please reach out to your Account Manager. 

Updated on March 28, 2023

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