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Using Microsoft Open Office in Reports

*To activate the Microsoft Office 365 integration, please talk to your account manager.*

If you want to use MS Open Office tools in your report, Uncountable has partnered with Microsoft to provide users with existing subscriptions to use the full suite of Office applications. In the Uncountable platform, project reports can contain a variety of data, files, and information, including MS Open Office. Uncountable has Other guides in the support page detail how to create a report template, add experiment comparisons, and otherwise edit your report.

Under the +Add Item dropdown menu, there is a compatibility option to create new Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, or Excel spreadsheets directly in your report. Users who have experience using the Microsoft suite of applications will be able to integrate their online interactions seamlessly into Uncountable’s workflow. For example, you could use Excel Online to input a spreadsheet indicating how this project differs from previous ones. Clicking on the add button will summon a dialog box enabling you to title your new file. You will be prompted to login to your Microsoft account, and then be redirected towards your selected MS Open Office file.

Your file will be directly accessible from the project report, and you can view a preview of the file from the main project report overview.

Updated on April 21, 2021

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